Gabrielle FoxCincinnati, OhioBobbie Ann Mason, With Jazz, 1994The Larkspur Press edition of this short story has been bound in native-dyed goat skin with onlays of natural, pink, light and dark green, and red goat skin. The title is tooled in blind down the spine. The hand tooling on the bra, body and boots is in blind and gold leaf. Doublures are in goat skin with onlays and gold tooling. The head has been gilded before sewing and the headbands are sewn in pink and light green and red and dark green silk. 21.5 x 15 x 1.5 centimeters. Created 2006. Gabrielle was born in the United States where she received a BA in English Literature and Writing from the University of Cincinnati. She traveled to England to study bookbinding and since receiving her diploma in Fine Binding and Conservation from the Guildford College of Technology over twenty years ago, has worked and taught in the UK and in the USA. She is now living in Cincinnati. Website at