Maria Sol Rebora

Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

William Shakespeare, King Lear, 1973

French binding construction, covered in full goat skin leather; natural, white, yellow, black and brown onlays, leather sanded to get different tones of color. Doublure and flyleaves on goat skin, black and brown color. Décor of gold and blind tooling. Top edge gilt. The design is an abstract suggestion of the curtain rising in a darkened theater. 35 x 26 x 3 centimeters. Created 2005. Lent by the Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University.

Maria Sol Rebora began her studies in fine bookbinding in 1996 with classes in drawing and painting in Buenos Aires; in bookbinding in Toronto with Betsy Palmer Eldridge; at the Pierpont  Morgan Library with Deborah Evetts. She studied design binding with Monique Lallier, with Edwin Heim and Jean-Luc Honneger at Centro del bel libro, and at the Bridwell Library with Jan Sobota. Exhibitions include: “Point de Paris,” A. Blaizot Bookshop, Paris. 2002; Bright Hill Press’ First Juried Book Arts Exhibit, Treadwell, NY, 2003; 3rd International Artist’s Book Triennial, “23 SINS.” Vilnius, Lituania. 2003; Innovationpreis bel Libro 2003, International Bookbinding Competition of the Centro del bel Libro, Ascona. 2003; Society of Bookbinders International Competition, Second Prize, Case Binding Category 2003; “In Flight,” the Guild of Book Workers, 2005: Society of Bookbinders, International Competition 2005, First Prize, Case Binding Category; Competition “Point de Paris,”A. Blaizot Bookshop, Paris, 2005. Website at