Claire MaziarczykNiskayuna, New YorkMJ StripesOne of the original fourteen papers created by Claire Maziareczyk and used by Miesje Jolley for her stationery line for Bleecker Street Studio. Miesje was a student of Laura Young. This paper has been in the Pastepaper Patterns line continuously since its origination in 1982. 50 x 63 centimeters. Created 1982. Claire Maziarczyk came to her current vocation as a creator of Pastepaper Patterns via her time at the Center for Book Arts in NYC at the Bleecker Street location in the early 1980s. Her first introduction to bookbinding was with a two day workshop taught by Susan Share at the Center for Book Arts in NYC. Following this introduction, she had the great fortune to also work with Richard Minsky, Barbara Mauriello, Mindell Dubansky, Phyllis Billick, Hedi Kyle, Jeri Davis, Jeff Rigby, David Sellers, Bernard Middleton, and Red Ozier Press. All were great influences in her training and creation of paste papers. She continues making paste papers and introducing the book arts to children in her home base of Niskayuna, NY. Since 1982, her line of paste papers has expanded to over 100 standard patterns and as many custom papers for various clients. Website at