Almost 100 years ago, in 1906, forty-two
craftspeople gathered at a New York bindery to
formally organize The Guild of Book
Workers. They represented a variety
of workers in the book arts that included
illuminators, printers, binders, type designers,
book and bookplate designers. Membership is now
over one thousand and there are eight regional
Since its inception, a primary goal of the Guild
has been national exhibitions of members work.
These exhibits now include works by papermakers,
calligraphers, printers, artists, marblers and
conservators as well as traditional bindings.
Some exhibits have everyone binding the same
book, or following a specific theme or like The
Best Of The Best, presenting a general survey
of members work. A stunning variety of work from
traditional techniques to the latest technologies
of inkjet printing are part of this exhibit. It
seems appropriate to start out the new millennium
with the best from the last century. I hope you
enjoy the exhibit and this catalogue.