Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 100
June 1995

Marbling News

By Iris Nevins

Great News! The marbling trade secret suit has finally been dropped for lack of evidence, as it should have been long ago. Lorraine Schoeller Matern and I would like to thank all of you who wrote letters to be forwarded to the Sussex County prosecutors office stating that marbling is a public domain process, and not owned by any individual or company. We received about 35 letters and they were a great help in the case. It is hoped, now that things are settled, the full story can eventually be written for a marbling journal.

There seems to be a new "super" carrageenan making the rounds. Many marblers are reporting that their new batches of size are way too thick. I just tried my new batch and found this to be true. The answer, of course, is to add more water, or use less of the powder. I have also found that it keeps a bit longer.

There is a marblers gathering scheduled for August 11-13 in Baltimore. Speakers will include Diane Maurer, Betty Wagner, Iris Nevins, Jake Benson, Deborah Evetts, Jennifer Phillipoff, Linda Hohneke, Marilyn Ritzenthaler, Carl Weis, Dedree Drees and Marie Palowada. For further information, contact: Beth Napier, 3rd Marblers Gathering, 9613 C Harford Rd., Suite 230, Baltimore, MD 21234.