Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 101
August 1995


Delaware Valley Chapter

At their Spring meeting on June 29, the Delaware Valley chapter met at the Library Company of Philadelphia for a business meeting and an informal gallery tour of the current exhibit of the Library Company, "Making a Case for Cloth: Publishers Cloth Case Bindings - 1830 - 1900". The exhibit was curated by Andrea Krupp with assistance from Jennifer Woods and Julie Snell.

Lone Star Chapter

At the state-wide Annual Meeting at BookLab in Austin on June 3 the following officers and chairmen were elected by the return of 35 of the 50 ballots sent out to members of the Chapter:
President: Patricia Clark, San Antonio
NE Vice-president: James Wiley, Dallas
So. Vice-president: Bobbie Pilette, Austin
Secy/Treas.: Priscilla Spitler, Austin
Newsletter Editor: Catherine Burkhard, Dallas
Membership Chair.: Pamela Leutz, Dallas
Program Chairman: Myssie Light, San Antonio

Midwest Chapter

The Midwest Chapters newsletter is crammed with news and reports of their recent activities: their Annual Meeting and workshop in April in Lexington, Ky, where they printed and bound an alphabet book under the direction of Caren Heft, of the Arcadian Press in Racine, Wis.; the visit to the bindery of Tom Pennebaker, who, as a friend of George Cunha, has inherited Cunhas tools, paper, and dog; Jan and Jarmila Sobotas workshop at the Cleveland Public Library on "Hand Conservation of Papers without a Leaf-caster", which Cris Takacs describes in detail; Julia Miller's report on Tom Conroys Knife Sharpening workshop at the University of Iowa in April.

The next Midwest meeting will be in Iowa City, where their Chapter Exhibit will open, and where they will visit Tim Barrett and tour the GBW Library.

The chapter is already beginning to think about and plan for the 1997 Standards Seminar to be held in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Included in their latest newsletter is a "Request for Information" that seems to get a good response from their members. Other chapters may wish to gather news in a similar way. Write a few words about your work, local activities, helpful tips,etc., fold, staple and mail back.

New England Chapter

Joe Newman, Chapter Chairman, announced the resignation of Doris Freitag as Treasurer of the Chapter, a post she has held for many years. She will be replaced by James Reid-Cunningham, bookbinder and conservator at Harvard. Babette and Daniel Gehnrich have also resigned, and their position as Workshop Chairmen will be filled by Karl Eberth, fine and edition binder in West Pawlett, Vt.

New York Chapter

Ursula Wille, Co-chairman, reports that the gatherings at the White Horse Tavern in Manhattan on the first Thursday of the month have been attended by anywhere from 6 to 25 members and are much enjoyed. The Chapter hosted six members of the English Society of Bookbinders and Restorers in May. The group, led by Daniel Kelm, was on the last leg of a one-week book tour of the East Coast cities of Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and New York.

The New York Chapter has sent out survey forms to its members asking about areas of interest to members and what they would like to be hearing, seeing, doing, and what days and hours would be most convenient.

Potomac Chapter

The Potomac Chapters has sponsored three workshops this Spring: Mark Clay on Clasp making, Linda Hohneke on Acrylic Marbling and Frank Mowery on Decorating Leather.

Rocky Mountain Chapter (Forming)

Pam Barrios, at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, reports that they have 12 signed-up, paid-for members and enough more promises to start a chapter officially and they plan to send out their first occasional newsletter by the end of the summer. The Rocky Mountain area covers a vast territory, sparsely settled with binders and book artists, that runs from Montana to Arizona and New Mexico. It includes Denver, Salt Lake City, Provo, Boulder, Colo., Phoenix, Tucson, Santa Fe and a number of smaller communities.

Upcoming activities include a papermaking intensive at the University of Utah taught by Janna Pullman in late August; a lecture on September 27 by Philip Smith at the University of Utah (he may know more about our country than many Americans do); a two-day workshop in September on "Artists Travel Books" taught by Susan King in Santa Fe, N.M.; and LIBROS 95, a city-wide celebration of the book, featuring a trade fair, symposium, "The Book as Art" exhibitions, workshops, lectures, etc. that will take place in Santa Fe September 15 - October 15. (See Calendar)