Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 101
August 1995

by Frances Manola

Recently I was privileged to visit the Morgan Librarys small but very interesting exhibition, "Animals As Symbol in Medieval Manuscripts". Since the show continues until September 3rd, there is still time to visit this unique display of medieval manuscripts. It will also give you the opportunity to see the Morgans addition to their buildings, if you havent already seen it. Luncheon is also served there. The Pierpont Morgan Library is located on the east side of Madison Avenue between East 36th and East 37th Streets, the main entrance being on 36th Street.

After the resignation of key volunteers about four months ago, the Society of Scribes and Illuminators (SSI) in England has reported in their Spring Journal that they are making up for lost time and are now almost up to date in their publication and mailings. They are also greatly encouraged by the loyalty of their members, as evidenced by membership renewals. As a long-time member of the Society, I welcome the above news.

Thomas Ingmire, Fellow of the SSI, is offering two new correspondence programs for students at all levels. Write: Grapho, 1040A Filbert, San Francisco, CA 94133. Phone: 415/673-4938.

Changing Thoughts, Changing Arts. September 11-18. 3rd Annual Retreat in Oklahoma. 6-day workshops at all levels. $650 room and board. T. Ingmire and C. Allen, tutors. Hosted by Letter Arts Review. Write them at 1624 24th Avenue SW, Norman, OK 73072, or call 405/364-8794.

In their recent Newsletter, the SSI has reported that Mr. A. Ahmed of Calcutta is having difficulty studying and running his Society for Calligraphers because of lack of available books. He would be interested in donations of newsletters, books or magazines in any condition. If anyone has any material (it seems like a worthy cause) send it to him at Sonali, Santosh pur, Calcutta, India 700066.