Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 101
August 1995

by Iris Nevins

Don Guyot will be offering two workshops this fall. October 23 will be a workshop in Turkish Marbling; October 25 will be in Suminagashi. If you are interested, contact: Sandy Brock at the Sun Valley Center for the Arts and Humanities, Sun Valley, ID 83201. Tel: 208/726-9491.

Hollanders in Ann Arbor, Michigan offers beginner classes in marbling at various times. Contact Hollanders, 407 North Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Tel: 313/741-7531.

In Arizona, Pat Baldwin will be teaching marbling at various times. For information, contact Pat Baldwin, P.O.Box 1711, Bisbee AZ 85603. Tel: 602/432-5924.

The second issue of Marbling Bath has come out. Included in this very well done magazine are articles by Rochelle Brenner, Patty Schleicher, Susan Haufler Foster, Thom Bruni, Heather Pahl, Iris Nevins, Carl Weis, Arlen Olsen & Diane Smith, Deborah Herring. To obtain a copy, or to subscribe, contact Carl Weis at MACN, PO BOX 374, Delmar, NY 12054-0374.