Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 101
August 1995


Call for Entries

The Hemingway Western Studies Series at Boise State University is calling for entries in the third annual Rocky Mountain Artists/Eccentric Book Competition. The Hemingway Series publishes multiple edition works relating to public issues of special (but not exclusive) concern to Rocky Mountain readers and viewers. Books which address issues such as gender, race, and environment may be of concern in the Rockies but also may "transcend" regional boundaries and are eligible for consideration.

Proposals specifying offset, copier, or silkscreen printing on commercial papers will be favored. Works may consist of text and/or visual content. Please note: the term "eccentric" refers to format/structure, not content.

Authors and artists whose works are selected for publication inthe Hemingway Series receive $500 prize monies and standard sales royalties.

Publications or mock copies with proposals should be sent SASE after 1 September 1995 through 1 December to Tom Trusky, Editor, Hemingway Western Studies Center, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725.

For further information: contact Trusky at 208/385-1999, 208/385-4373 (FAX), RENTRUSK@IDBSU.IDBSU.EDU (e-mail).

"Crossed Structure Binding," is a new approach to binding conceived by Italian binder Carmencho Arregui, and introduced at the New Horizons Conference by Sün Evrard. An exhibition of bindings developed from this technique is being planned for Spring 1996 in Paris. There will be an intl jury to select the 40 entries. A bilingual catalogue will be published. Contact: Claude Blaizot, Librairie Blaizot, 164 rue du Fg. St.-Honore, 75006 Paris, France.

The Library at the University of Texas El Paso announces the fifth annual competition for the Carl Hertzog Book Design Award. Book designers, printers and publishers may submit books printed in 1994 or 1995. Cash award and exhibition. Contact: Patricia Larsen at (915) 747-5683.

Call for Papers

The Instituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro is organizing a 6-day meeting on the conservation and restoration of books & documents to by held at International Centre of Scientific Culture in Erice, Italy. Papers must be unpublished works based on original research. Deadline for submission December 1995. Contact: C. Federici, ICPL, Via Milano 76, 00184 Rome, Italy. 011-39-6-48291235, fax: 6-4814968.


Mar 22 - Aug 30: Tuscaloosa, AL: "Chapbooks and Miniatures," ncludes recent works by students in the MFA Program in the Book Arts. Contact: Paula Marie Gourley, University of Alabama, 5th Fl Book Arts Gallery, Gorgas Library. (205) 348-4990.

May 17 - Dec 22: Philadelphia, PA: "Making a Case for Cloth: Publishers Cloth Case Binding, 1830-1900," tells the revolutionary story of the development of the hard bound, cloth case book. On exhibit at The Library Company, 1314 Locust St, Phil, PA 19107. Contact: Eileen Shapiro or Andrea Krupp (215) 546-3181.

Sep 14 - Oct 19: Greenwich, CT: "Honoring Words: The Art of Book Design," an exhibition which celebrates the centennial of the Greenwich Library. GBW members Jenny Hille and Mary Schlosserassisted in organizing the exhibit. Opening reception.

Oct 14 from 6 to 8 pm. Also: a talk by Martin Antonetti "From Kelmscott to Pennyroyal" on Oct 5, and a slide lecture by Deborah Evetts on bindings on Oct 12. Contact: Pam Koob, Greenwich Library, 101 W Putnam Ave, Greenwich, CT 06830. (203) 622-7900.

Sep 15 - Oct 1: Los Angeles, CA: "Washi: Beauty and Function," an exhibition showing how contemporary artists and designers use washi to create light sculpture, graphic works and other art. Presented by the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center at 244 S San Pedro, LA, CA 90012. (213) 628-2725.

Sep 15 - Oct 30: Tuscaloosa, AL: "Decade: An Exhibition Celebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the MFA Program in the Book Arts." Contact: Paula Marie Gourley, University of Alabama, 5th Fl Book Arts Gallery, Gorgas Library. (205) 348-4990.

Workshops, Lectures and Other Events

Continuing: Baltimore, MD: A series of ongoing (until February 1996) conservation workshops presented by Johns Hopkins Library, and funded by NEH: Basic Workshop, Advanced Enclosures, Advanced Book Repair, Treatment of Older Collections, Disaster Recovery, Exhibits Preparation. Fee: $100-200. Contact: Stuart Ittner (410) 516-8326.

The City Lit, London: Bookbinding, Restoration and Calligraphy classes and studio space available. Contact: 6 Bolt Court, London EC4A 3DQ. (0171) 405-2949.

Roehampton Institute, London: Bookbinding and Calligraphy classes available. Contact: Jen Lindsay (0181) 392-3658.

Jun 19 - Sep 1: New York NY: Seminars in Conservation Technology and Care of Collections given at the Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 14 East 78th St, NY, NY 10021. (212) 772-5847.

Jul 16 - Sep 1: Deer Isle, ME: Two workshops: "Book Arts/Papermaking/Printing" and "Constructions/Writing" given at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, PO Box 518, Deer Isle, ME 04627. (207) 348-2306.

Aug 20 - Sep 23: Brasstown, NC: John C Campbell Folk School offers several classes in the book arts. "Marbling and Paper Decorating" with Dea Sasso Aug 20-26. "Book Construction and Repair" with Dea Sasso Aug 27- Sep 2. "Basic bookbinding" with Susan Lightcap Sep 17-23. Contact: Route 1, Box 14A, Brasstown, NC 28902. (704) 837-2775.

Aug 29 - Sep 3: Washington, DC: SAA annual meeting. Contact: Debra Mills or Carolyn Aeby at (312) 922-0140.

Sep: Santa Fe, NM: Susan King will teach a two-day workshop on"Artists Travel Books."

Sep 11 - 15: Palos Verdes, CA: Five day washi master workshop taught by Minoru Fujimori. Fee $350. Contact: Palos Verdes Art Center, 5504 W Crestridge Rd, Palos Verdes, CA 90975. (310) 541-2479.

Sep 11 - 18: Norman, OK: Third annual "Retreat to Quartz Mountain," a 6 day workshop for calligraphers. Contact: Karyn Lynn Gilman, Letter Arts Review, 1624 24th Ave SW, Norman, OK 73072. (405) 364-8794.

Sep 15 - Oct 15: Santa Fe, NM: "LIBROS 95," a city-wide celebration of the book, featuring a trade fair, symposium, "The Book as Art" exhibition, workshops, lectures, readings etc.

Sep 16: Palos Verdes, CA: Japanese Bookbinding workshop taught by Joanne Page at PV Art Center, 5504 W Crestridge Rd, PV, CA 90975. (310) 541-2479.

Sep 18 - 22: Rosemont, NY: "Mountmaking for Exhibitions," workshop in Benchmarks shop and studio. Fee $650 for 5 day seminar. Contact: David La Touche or Shelly Uhlir at (609) 397-1131.

Sep 19 - 23: Tübingen, Germany: IADA Congress. Theme: "Preservation - Passive Conservation: Books,Records, Art on Paper and Other Information Supports." Papers are invited. Contact: Mogens Koch, Conservatorskolen, Esplanaden 34, DK-1263 Kopenhagen, Denmark. Previously published papers not accepted.

Sep 22 - 23: Austin, TX: APHA 1995 Lieberman lecture by Claire Badaracco on "The Memorable Text: The Printed Good in Library Design 1920 - 1940." At the University of Texas at Austin.

Sep 27: Salt Lake City, UT: Lecture by Philip Smith followed by reception and exhibition at Univ of Utah Art & Architecture bldg, room 127.

Sep 28 - 30: Tuscaloosa, AL: GBW Standards Seminar with presentations by Elaine Schlefer, Mindell Dubansky and Priscilla Spitler, John Mitchell and John Hyltoft.

Oct 7: New Castle, DE: "Oak Knoll Fest 1995 Fine Press Fair," will include many American and British private presses, exhibition and demonstrations. Contact: Esther Fan, Oak Knoll, 414 Delaware St, New Castle, DE 19720. (302) 328-7232, fax: 328-7274.

Oct 12 - 15: Austin, TX: Annual meeting of the Friends of Dard Hunter. Contact: Peter Sowiski, 155 Dorchester Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213. (716) 878-6014.

Oct 13 - 15: Charlottesville, VA: APHA 1995 conference at theUniversity of Virginia. Program chairs are Terry Belanger and Evan Moore.

Oct 21 - 22: Brookfield, CT: "Japanese Bookbinding" workshop taught by Jean Buescher. Contact: Brookfield Craft Center, PO Box 122, Route 25, Brookfield, CT 06804. (203) 775-4526.

Oct 23 - 25: Sun Valley, ID: Don Guyot will be offering two workshops, "Turkish Marbling" on Oct 23, and "Suminagashi" on Oct 25. Contact: Sandy Brock, Sun Valley Center for the Arts & Humanities, Sun Valley, ID 83201. (208) 726-9491.

Oct 28 - 29: Brookfield, CT: "Non-adhesive Bookbinding" workshop taught by Jean Buescher. For info see Oct 21 entry.

Dec 10 - 12: San Francisco, CA: "Restoration 95," 3 day conference with commercial exhibitions and live demonstrations. Contact: RAI/EGI Exhibitions, Inc, 10 Tower Office Park, Suite 419, Woburn, MA 01801. (617) 933-6663, fax: 933-8744.

Jan 19 - 25, 1996: San Antonio, TX: American Library Association midwinter meeting.

Mar 17 - 19, 1996: Baltimore, MD: "Restoration 96." For info see Dec 10-12 entry.

Apr 25 - 26, 1996: Boston, MA: Conference on environmental control guidelines, sponsored by NEDCC, at the Museum of Fine Arts. Contact NEDCC for information.

Aug 27 - Sep 1, 1996: San Diego, CA: SAA annual meeting.