Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 102
October 1995

Chapter News

CORRECTION: It may be gremlins in the computer, or simple inattention, BUT the Useful Tip about replacing the gauge on board shears which WE said in the last issue appeared in the Midwest Chapters newsletter, really appeared in the New York Chapters newsletter. Our apologies to the hardworking NYCHAP. Their newsletter is packed with New York area news and they didnt miss this one. Ed.

California Chapter

Ruth-Ann Rohman, newly elected President, reports a present count of 33 members of the new chapter. Fourteen persons met at Kater-Crafts Bookbinding on August 27 to form the official chapter and elect Ruth-Ann. They plan a quarterly schedule, rather than monthly meetings, due to the distances involved and busy schedules. The next meeting will be after the Standards eminar in Oct/Nov.

Their meeting included a general show & tell, with Millie Birds photos of a complete restoration with box, Joanne Pages Rare Book School experience with paper samples, Susan Longerots non-adhesive bindings, and Mel Kavin shared four bindings by Bernard Middleton, Sally Lou Smith and Tini Miura from his collection. He also showed the collaboration effort, You Can Judge a Book By Its Cover, written by Bernard Middleton.

A name for the chapter was discussed but not decided on. California Chapter is, perhaps, a temporary name. A volunteer list was begun, with Linda Anderson and Susan Longerot offering to help with mailings.

New England Chapter

The Chapters exhibition "Created Space" opened at Brown University in Providence, RI on April 8th. Daniel Kelm gave a presentation entitled "Creating Sacred Space: Alchemical Bookworks". The catalog for the show also celebrates the fifteen years of service given to the Chapter by Doris Freitag, one of the founding members of the New England Chapter, who stepped down this year as Treasurer.

The exhibition is currently on display in Special Collections of Syracuse University Library. In November it moves to University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Catalogs are available for $10 from James Reid-Cunningham, Francis Loeb Library, Design School, 48 Quincy St., Cambridge, MA 02139. Checks to Guild of Book Workers/New England Chapter. All pieces are illustrated and materials used are listed, along with comments by the contributors.

Other activities of the Chapter include a presentation on "Hazardous Materials - Health & Safety in Your Studio" by Minona Rossol in April, and a lecture in May by Sue Allen on "Connoisseurship of Nineteenth Century Bookbindings" at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester.

Rocky Mountain Chapter

The Rocky Mountain Chapter has issued Vol. 1, No.1 of their Newsletter, Book Arts Roundup, edited by Martha Little in Santa Fe. Included in this issue is a Bulletin Board for notices of publications, messages to readers regarding items for sale, etc.

Activities, past and future,in each state are detailed. There are a number of small local groups all over the area: the Colorado Book Arts League in Boulder, the Brad Rogers Bookbinding Group and the Colorado Calligraphers Guild in Denver; the Center for the Book and the Hemingway Western Studies Center at Boise State University and the Sun Valle Center for the Arts and Humaniities in Idaho; the Santa Fe Book Arts Group in New Mexico; the State Calligraphers Guild in Utah. In addition, the universities in the several states hold courses and workshops in bookbinding, papermaking, printing, calligraphy and other book-related subjects. With the formation of a Guild chapter to draw the area together we expect to hear often from this group.

Recent events include a two-day workshop in Salt Lake City given by Madelyn Garrett in which high school students produced a limited edition artist book; a lecture by Philip Smith at the University of Utah to help launch a formal book arts program being sponsored by the Marriott Library Special Collections and the College of Fine Arts; LIBROS 95, a city-wide celebration of the book in Santa Fe September 15 - October 15; various workshops, lectures, exhibitions have been given all over the area during the summer.

Latest word: Utah News: Rocky Mountain Chapter member Patty Hammerstadt reports that Sheila Waters will lecture for the Utah Calligraphic Artists at the University of Utah on October 4.

Denver news: Chapter member Laura Wait has arranged for Robert Espinosa to conduct a two day workshop on the modified binding for the Brad Rogers Bookbinding Group in Denver on October 21-22. Call Laura Wait for details at 303/480-0172.

Chapter members have been invited to participate in an exhibit at the Regis Library in Denver. Entries will be due January 12, 1996. Information will be sent to members, or call Pamela Barrios, 801/378-7654, or Laura Wait at 303/480-0172.