Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 102
October 1995




The New South Wales Guild of Craft Bookbinders offers an invitation to visit their workshop at The Writers Centre, Rozelle, to any binders who may be visiting Sydney. If you write to the Hon. Secretary (PO Box 1110, Rozelle NSW Australia 2039) or phone John Newland on (02)810 4974 or Rowley Corbett on (02) 665 1097 when in Sydney, they can arrange a visit on a day when you can chat with their members and see the gear in the workshop.

Anyone wanting to subscribe to the Guild of Craft Bookbinders newsletter can do so through Bookbinders Warehouse, using U.S. dollars, rather than sending it in Australian dollars. $28 per year for institutional members, $30 for Individual Members.


Mary Lee Wood is the newly elected chair of the AIC Book & Paper Group. Walter Henry is the new assistant chair.


New editors have been appointed for the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC). Chandra L. Reedy, Senior Editor since 1994, is now Editor-in-Chief. Senior Editor is now Paul Whitmore. Dr. Reedy is currently an associate professor in the Art Conservation Department at the University of Delaware. She succeeds Elisabeth West Fitzhugh, who resigned after six years of service. Dr. Whitmore currently is the director, Research Center on the Materials of the Artist and Conservator at the Carnegie Mellon Research Institute in Pittsburgh.


The newly formed chapter of the American Printing History Association in Southern California will have its first general meeting on September 30 at the home of Sidney Berger in Riverside, CA where they will be shown the HAR-MA press and Sid Berger and Michele Cloonans decorated paper collection. They will also visit the collection of 19th c. handpresses at the UC Riverside Special Collections Dept. and the Spec. Collections stacks, which hold "the finest cataloged collection of science fiction in the world; over 65,000 volumes; about 50,000 issues of pulp fiction magazines; about 45,000 issues of fanzines (the newsletters of science fiction fan clubs); and much more." The Southern California Chapter can be reached at 416 North Maclay Ave., San Fernando, CA 91340, 818/361-4004.


The first announcement of the Institute of Paper Conservation Fourth International Conference to be held in London April 6-9, 1997 has arrived. Papers and posters are invited on all asects of paper conservation, including those which span more than one area, or which involve other areas of conservation. A large trade exhibition is planned alongside the Conference. For information, contact: Conference Secretariat, IPC International Conference, Index Communications Meeting Services, P.O. Box 79, Romsey Hampshire SO51 0ZH, U.K. Tel: +44 (0) 1794 511331/2, FAX:+44 (0) 1794 511455.


Dieu Donné Papermill (433 Broome St., New York, NY 10013, 212/226- 0573) moved last year into a much larger space and is now about to open a new Editions Gallery which will feature editioned paperworks and limited edition artist books. They begin it with a special exhibition during the month of October of "Elements", Kuboaa Press most recent publication.

Also opening on October 7 is their new Mill Store, which will offer handmade paper from a variety of mills and papermakers. They will be sole suppliers of Cave Paper and Tim Barrett. They will also have available papers from their own mill, Bobbie Lippman (Philadelphia papermaker specializing in decorative cotton and linen papers), Evanescent Press (California studio best known for paper made from hemp), Oxcart (Minnesota mill specializing in papers made from indigenous and agricultural plants and non-wood fibers, such as field grasses, corn, soybean and stinging nettles), Twinrocker and International Mills. They are also adding new stationery items, books and gift items.


APHA began publication last year of a special edition series. The first was a portfolio of broadsides on the subject of type, contributed by some thirty American printers. The second, to be issued this fall will consist of ten essays written by various experts on ten American proprietary typefaces. It will be printed letterpress by Stinehour Press and is expected to retail for about $50. APHA, P.O. Box 4922, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163-4922.


The APHA Newsletter gives the following Listservs for Internet users:

		Typo-L@IRLEARN.BITNET  Deals with typography.

		LetPress@UNB.CA  Deals with letterpress printing.

		Book_Arts-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU Deals with bookarts in general.
                Book_Arts-L is also represented on the web at

		SHARP-L@IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU Deals with topics of interest
                to the Society for the History of Authorship,
                Reading and Publishing.

		ExLibris@RUTVM1.RUTGERS.EDU Deals with the world of rare
                books and special collections. 

You subscribe by sending a message to the listserv machine, not to the list address: to subscribe to ExLibris, send to "listserv@RUTVM1.RUTGERS.EDU" a message with only the text "subscribe exlibris [firstname lastname]" leaving out the quotation marks.


Oak Knoll Books/Oak Knoll Press (New Castle, Del.) will now distribute titles published by the American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, Mass.)

Formerly handled by the University Press of Virginia, this line of books includes bibliographies of music material, cookery books and childrens books, books about bookbinding, forgery, American printing history, newspaper history, the American West, American imprints and American book catalogues.

Oak Knoll Books will incorporate these new titles as part of its imprints backlist, offering them as part of Oak Knoll Press fall catalogue. Contact: Esther C. Fan, 302/328-7232, FAX: 302/328-7274.


The Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Texas at Austin are pleased to announce that Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Hxson have presented Preservation and Conservation Studies with a generous gift from the estate of their daughter, Carolyn Hixson Harris. Ms. Harris, director of preservation and conservation graduate training programs at Columbia University and UT - Austin from 1989 to 1994, was instrumental in relocating this nationally respected program for libraries and archives to Austin in 1992. A University Presidential Scholarship endowment will be created in Ms. Harriss name; contributions to that fund are welcomed.

For more information, contact: Bonnie Orr, Preservation & Conservation Studies; GSLIS; The University of Texas at Austin. Ph: 512/471-8289, FAX: 512/471-8285. e-mail:

Graduate students accepted to the three-year graduate program to train collections conservators for 1995 are:

Whitney Baker, Iowa City, IA; Alexandra Botelho, Montreal, Que; Heather Caldwell, Austin, TX; Elizabeth Dube, Austin, TX; Holly Jo Moore, Minneapolis; Claire Mason, Athens, GA; Laura wilson, Fisher, TX.

Internships for third-year student conservators, which will take place from January through August of 1996, have been announced: Scott Devine, Library of Congress Conservation Lab; Yasmeen Khan, Smithsonian Institute Libraries Conservation Lab; Erika Lindensmith, Natl. Library of Wales; Alan Puglia, University of Iowa Libraries; Mark Rutledge, Conservation Div. of Information Conservation, Inc.; Nancy Stanfill, Stanford University Libraries.


The Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University is again offering five hands-on workshops in basic and advanced preservation techniques during the fall and winter 1995- 96. Disaster Recovery and Basic Techniques workshops in early and mid-October may be over by the time you read this, but Advanced Book Repair (October 25-27), Advanced Enclosures (January 24-26) and Treatment of Older Collections (February 6-9, 1996) will still be ahead. The workshops are designed for staff members who have preservation responsibilities at mid-sized and smaller libraries, archives, historical and genealogical societies. They have been offered each year since 1982. A videotape, "Basic Preservation Techniques for Libraries and Archives", accompanied by a detailed manual was produced in 1987. For applications, contact: Preservation Dept., Milton S. Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218. For inquiries, contact: Regina Sinclair, Head, Preservation Dept. Ph: 410/516- 5486, FAX: 410/516-5080; Internet: