Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 102
October 1995

Marbling News
by Iris Nevins

The Third Marblers Gathering was held on August 11-13, primarily at the Savage Mill in Savage, Md. The first day included a tour of the National Archives and lectures there by Don Guyot on alum, Deborah Evetts on early paste papers and Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler on marbled papers at the National Archives.

The second day included lectures by Diane Maurer-Mathison on decorative papers of many kinds, Linda Hoeneke on a collection of marbled papers at the Folger Shakespeare Library, Iris Nevins on copying both modern and early papers, and Mimi Schleicher on publishing. Demonstrations were also given by Deborah Evetts, Carl Weis, Marie Palowoda, Jake Benson, Dedree Drees, Jennifer Philippoff, Gail McKenzie and Betty Wagner.

The final day included lectures by Milena Hughes on reproduction of her work for the Gilbert Paper Co. and Jake Benson on early Turkish marbling.

The gathering was not as well attended as the previous ones, with many West Coast people missing. Approximately 100 were present and a wonderful time seemed to be had by all. We wish to thank Beth Napier for taking on the monumental task of organizing this gathering.