Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 102
October 1995

Publications and Bookseller's Catalogs


The Book Review Editor is working to clear his cache of notes on books received which merit mention.

You Can Judge a Book by Its Cover, by Bernard C. Middleton. 1995. Pico Rivera, Ca., Kater-Craft Bookbinders. 161 pp., page size 2- 3/4" x 2-3/16", 7 wood engravings, bound in full Chieftain goatskin with onlays, cloth-covered clamshell case with leather back and spine label. Available only from the publishers. 400 copies from Kater-Craft Bookbinders (4860 Gregg Rd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660, ph: 310/692-0665, FAX: 310/692-7920) $295 +$5 p&h. 10 Special Tini Miura bindings, $1,525.00 includes shipping & insurance, ($750 with order, to Tini Miura, 37-2 Kitamine Machi, Ohta-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 145, ph: 8133-727-8390, FAX: 8133- 727-8378).

Written by Bernard C. Middleton, designed by Ward Ritchie, printed by Henry Morris at Bird & Bull Press, binding designed by Tini and Einen Miura, illustrated with wood engravings by John DePol, edited by David Pankow, this miniature book is the result of publisher Mel Kavins "inexplicable urge" while attending an exhibition of miniature books in 1992 to publish one of his own, done by friends and acquaintances whose work he has so long admired and collected.

Divided Touch, Divided Color, 12 poems by Kathleen Peirce. 1995. Iowa City. Windhover Press. Limited ed, of 200, illus. Woodcuts by Peggy Fitzgerald. Printed by hand from Romanée type on handmade Windhover paper. Paste paper by Pamela Spitzmueller. Inquiries to Suzanne Micheau, University of Iowa Center for the Book, 366 EPB, Iowa City, IA 52242, ph: 319/335-0447, e-mail:

Susan Paula Barile. The Bookworms Big Apple, A Guide to Manhattans Booksellers. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. 234p. $15.95. ISBN 0-231-08495-1, wrappers. Descriptions of new, used and rare bookshops arranged by subject and indexed not only by names and terms but geographically. Five bookbinders and restorers are noted in an appendix: Jerilyn Glenn Davis, Mindell Dubansky, Judith Ivry, Jennifer Jestin, and Jeff Peachey (with the advice to consult the Yellow Pages for further businesses. Pleasantly illustrated with photographs and drawings.

William Marden. Mardens Guide to Manhattan Booksellers. New York: Marden Books, 1994. 398p. $12.95. ISBN 0-9636646-0-3 wrappers. A comprehensive listing of all New York booksellers (527 entries) arranged alphabetically and indexed by subject specialities and by Manhattan neighborhood.

In cooperation with St. Pauls Bibliographies, Oak Knoll Books (414 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720) has published number 8 in their Publishing Pathways Series, A Millennium of the Book: Production, Design and Illustration in Manuscript and Print, 900-1900, a collection of essays edited by Robin Myers and Michael Harris. The papers include Linda Nix on medieval book design in England; Margaret Smith on the design relationship between the manuscript and the incunable; Nichols Barker on the Aldine Italic; Nicholas Pickwoad on binding before 1800; David Alexander on illustration in 18th century English magazines; Michael Twyman on the emergence of the graphic book in the 19th century; and George Mandl on the production and use of paper over the millenium considered. 192p. $30. ISBN 1- 884718-07-8 printed boards.

Oak Knoll is also the American distributor for two recent books of interest to Guild members: The Caxton Club, 1895-1995: Celebrating a Century of the Book in Chicago (224p, $75, ISBN 0-940550-09-1). Written by Club historian Frank J. Piehle, the book includes a bibliography of the 60 books published by the Club, many of which relate to the history of printing and bookbinding. It was designed by Bruce Beck, printed by R.R. Donnelley & Sons, and is offered in an edition of 1,000 numbered and signed copies, 900 for general sale, slipcased.

And: Bookbindings & Other Bibliophily: Essays in Honour of Anthony Hobson (368p, $125, ISBN 88-85033-26-1), a festschrift edited by Dennis E. Rhodes with 13 essays by English and European students of binding and printing history (plus a bibliography of Hobsons own writing through July 1993). A large, case-bound volume, with 72 illustrations, the book was printed by the Edizioni Valdonega under the supervision of Martino Mardersteig.

The Times Literary Supplement dated 1 September includes a review of Turkish Bookbinding in the 15th Century: The Foundations of an Ottoman Court Style by Julian Raby and Zeren Tanindi (Azimuth Editions, 33 Ladbrooke Grove, London W11 3AY). 245p. 75. 1-898592-01-2. The reviewer, Robert Hillenbrand, leads off with this sentence: "The principal achievement of this book--itself a modern masterpiece of the bookbinders and book designers art--is to propel bookbindng to its rightful place alongside the other major decorative arts of Islam, like ceramics and metalwork."

We would also particularly like to notice András Fürész, proprietor of a recently formed mail order business in Seattle: Very Graphics, P.O. Box 95642, Seattle, WA 98145, 206-325-1105. Hungarian by birth and a former graphic designer who resettled in Seattle in 1959, Fürész is developing a list of books for "persons whose practice or interests include type, typography, graphic design, photography, and their histories" with the aim of offering "a well rounded selection of books of intrinisic merit, whether the titles are years old or forthcoming, domestic or foreign, marvelously inexpensive or--occasionally--rather costly." Very Graphics is the American and Canadian distributor, for example, of Robin Kinrosss Modern Typography: an Essay in Critical History (London: Hyphen Press, 1992) and its postscript, Fellow Readers (1994) and stocks Dutch, Czech and other European publications infrequently found in the U.S. The fifth Very Graphics list is in production. Fürész says in a note to me, "enthusiasm about getting the right book into the right hand comes easily, promoting myself less so;" so let me say to you that his list deserves a look if you buy books in scope of his interests.

Finally, Garland Publishing informed me on September 12 that remaining volumes of a 19-title reprint series on The History of Bookbinding & Design which I edited for them several years ago have just been placed on sale. I do receive a modest royalty -- which for these sale books will be very modest, but, nonetheless, the quality of the series is overall satisfactory, and some subscribers to this list may be interested in the books at these reduced prices.

What follows is series number; author/brief title; number of copies in stock on September 12; original price/sale price. Mail orders should be directed to Audrey Leung, Garland Publishing Inc., 717 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022-8101, phone 212-751- 7447, fax 212-308-9399. Please note the sale price on your order (so you are not charged full price); and Ms. Leung tells me (a) a check reflecting the sale price can be enclosed, and (b) she would appreciate your mention of this Newsletter notice. The first three titles are out-of-print.

4. Two 18th Century Manuals: G. Martin (1823) and G. Cowie (1828); 15; $57/$25; 5. Hannett, Bibliopegia (1865); 53; $100/$50; 6. Book-Finishers Friendly Circular (1845-51); 52; $48/20; 7. Cundall on Bookbinding History (1848 & 1881); 50; $85/$40; 8. Hoe, Lecture on Bookbinding (1886); 31; $65/$30; 9. Halfer, Progress of the Marbling Art (1893); 17; $60/$30; 10. W. Matthews, Modern Bookbinding Practically Considered (1889); 15; $45/$20; 11. Prideaux, Historical Sketch (1893); 96; $50/$30; 12. B. Matthews, Bookbinding Old and New (1895); 55; $100/$50; 13. W.L. Loring on Bookbinding History (1895 & 1902); 36; $60/$30; 14. Philip, Business of Bookbinding (1912); 66; $65/$30; 15. Harrison, Bookbinding Craft and Industry (1925); 21; $50/$30; 16. Sadleir, Evolution of Publishers Binding Styles, 1770-1900 (1930); 77; $40/$20; 17. Oldham, Shrewsbury School Library Bindings (1943); 138; $140/$70; 18. Oldham, English Blindstamped Bindings (1952); 74; $100/$50; 19. Oldham, Blind Panels of English Binders (1958); $80/$40.

Periodicals - single copies available

The Spring issue of the ACBA Journal AbraCadaBra: Special Issue on Calligraphy is available in single issue for $12.50, or by joining ACBA (Alliance for Contemporary Book Arts) for $25 a year. Send check to ACBA, P.O. Box 24415, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Membership lets you hear about book-related events in the Los Angeles area.

Guest editor and designer of this issue is Kitty Maryatt, who asked some of her favorite calligraphers to write about making calligraphic books and related articles. Subjects include: The Future of Calligraphy by Donald Jackson, Artists Books by Suzanne Moore, and articles by Peter Thornton on his books set to music and Susan Skarsgard about Xeroxed calligraphic books, and Linnea Lundquist about calligraphic type design, and a collaborative article by Nancy Leavitt and Walter Tisdale about their finely printed book, The Seafarer, and an article about The California Experience II from their Australian correspondent, Vi Wilson.

Page Two, Inc., Box 77167, Washington, DC 20013-7167, (800) 821-6604, FAX: (800) 538-7549 with Visa or Mastercard, carries single issues of the following publications:

		Hand Papermaking, $15 + $2.50 postage

		Letter Arts Review, $12.50 + $2.00

		The Journal of Artists Books, $5.00  + $1.00

		Ink & Gall, $17.50 + $2.00

		Type and Press, $2.00 + $.75

		The Book Arts Classified, $2.00 + $.50

		The Printer, $2.00 + $.75

		Paper Crafters, $4.00 + $1.00

		Print Collectors Newsletter, $10.00 + $1.50

		Umbrella, $5.00 + $2.00

		Book Arts Periodical Sampler; Save $15 when you order The Sampler
                ..get one copy each of all ten for $60 + $5.00 postage.


WAAC (Western Association for Art Conservation, Carolyn Tallent, Editor, 537 San Vicente Blvd., Apt. 211, Santa Monica, CA 90402), Vol. 17, No. 2, includes an article on Conservation of Circus Posters, by Neil C. Cockerline, An Introduction to Fire Sprinklers by Mick Artim, and Monitoring ANTHRENUS VERBASU in museum collections using a sex pheromone by Dr. Mark Giberg.

Paper Conservation News, No. 74, June 1995 (Institute of Paper Conservation, Leigh Lodge, Leigh, orcester WR6 5LB, England) includes an Interview with Anthony Cains of Trinity College, Dublin; Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archive Collections by Christopher Clarkson; Board Rehitching: a Case History by Edward Simpson; What you should know before deciding to deacidify paper records, a statement of research published by the Canadian Council of Archives PreservationCommittee; and A method for in situ capillary washing by Nimah McGuinne.

Morocco Bound, Journal of Craft Bookbinders (P.O. Box 1110, Rozelle NSW 2039 Australia), Vol. 16, No 1, March 1995, includes Prelims and Appendices- a survey of correct descriptive vocabulary for the various parts of the printed matter by Ron Abbey; Care and protection of photographs by John Newland; Bindings for thin books and A cowards way with spines by June McNichol.

Morocco Bound, Vol. 16, No. 2, May 1995, includes Leather Dressing - a misguided tradition by Bill Horton; Gold Foil Tooling by Bill Horton; The making of a chemise and Preservation of single-section booklets by June McNichol.


AIC 1996 Membership Directory is available for $58, including p&h, from: AIC, 1717 K Street, Suite 301, Washington, DC 20006, 202/452-9545. It contains the complete text of the newly revised and approved AIC Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice;, listings of members; an index of conservation administrators, educators, scientists, and conservators in private practice; listings of regional conservation organizations, training programs, funding agencies, as well as organizations in the U.S. and abroad; information from 46 suppliers of conservation materials and services. 260 pp.

The Book Arts Directory is a reference guide for book artists, published annually. It lists a broad assortment of artists and professional craftspeople, and includes suppliers, associations, schools, dealers, libraries, museums and galleries.

They are now compiling the 1996 edition and offer one free listing. Additional listings are $10 each. You may also place a display advertisement. Deadline is October 15 for this issue. The 1996 Directory will be released in January, price $8. The 95 Directory is available now for $6. Page Two, Inc., PO Box 77167, Washington, DC 20013-7167. Order forms for spacein the 96 Directory is (800) 821-6604, FAX: (202) 895-6048, e-mail:


This list is compiled by Sid Huttner and includes catalogs received by him which include books of interest to GBW members. Catalog number, address, phone number and Internet address (when stated in the catalog) are recorded.

The Bookpress Occasional List 11 (236 items). P.O. Box KP, Williamsburg VA 23187. 804-229-1260. Bird & Bull and other press books, three calligraphy items, several books on marbling. Catalogue 77 (388 items). 14 "first books"--i.e., first book typeset by a composing machine, first book printed on a machine press, etc.; also 113 books about books including a number of bookbinding items (complete run of The Bookbinder (1888-1894), $2500), books on paper, etc.

Colophon Book Shop 43 (223 items). 117 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833. 603-772-8443. Paper and papermaking. An extensive catalog in 8 1/2 x 11 inch format, nicely illustrated with line drawings, watermarks and reproduced woodblocks. A long run of items by and about Dard Hunter.

De Simone Company "Reference Books" list (86 items). P.O. Box 1590, Sag Harbor, NY 11963. 515-537-0510. Several books on papermaking, printing history, one calligraphy item, and other books about books.

Joshua Heller Tenth Anniversary Ctalogue (204 items). P.O. Box 39114, Washington, DC 20016-9114. 202-966-9411. <>. Forty-four Leonard Baskin/Gehenna Press items, artists and illustrated books, bindings.

George S. MacManus Co. 351 (1128 items). 1317 Irving Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. 215-735-4456. Bibliography and Books about Books. More bibliography than book arts, but some items under several subjects, e.g., bookbinding and paper.

Oak Knoll Books M547 (223 items). 414 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720. 302-328-7232. <>. Newly published and other inprint books about books.

J.A. Penza at the Archive 4 (248 items). P.O. Box 220, Hamilton,NY 13346- 0220. 315-824-2298. Illustrated and American and British press books.

Quarto Books 18 (298 items). 6623 Elwood NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107. (505) 344- 2540. Sections on bibliography (5 titles under "artists books, 3 under bookbinding) and other subjects. Also 50 booksellers catalogs.

Truepenny Books 72 (132 items). 2509 N. Campbell Avenue, #117, Tucson, AZ 85719. 520-881-4822. Private press, illustrated and books about books; Limited Editions Club.

John Windle List 24 (191 items). 49 Geary Street, Suite 233, San Francisco, CA 94108. 415-986-5826. Press and illustrated books, several bindings