Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 103
December 1995


SARAH DILLON has left her position as Book Restorer at The Metropolitan Museum of Art to open her own business. Her new address: Sarah W. Dillon, Book Restoration, 991 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028; tel: 212/722-0738, FAX: 212/628-7927.

Sarah received her Diploma in Fine Binding and Restoration from Guildford College of Technology in England in 1980 and has worked at the Morgan Library, The British Army Library in West Berlin, Germany, and at The Metropolitan. She has taught numerous classes at the Center for Book Arts in New York City.

She will continue to teach, work for private clients and work on grants.

Last July, JOANNE PAGE, the organizer of next year's Standards Seminar in Pasadena, attended the Rare Book School at the University of Virginia, and taught a workshop on making paste papers in Long Beach. She taught another workshop on Japanese bindings in September at the Palos Verde Community Arts Center, and she is currently working on the Gladys English Collection of the L.A. Public Library. This is a collection of over 200 prints and drawings by well-known illustrators of children's books.

On September 17, LOUISE GENEST was in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France, to receive the "Accessit" (professional category) of Le Prix de l'Union Européene de la Reliure d'Art. This prize is organized by le Cercle de la Reliure d'Art de Ciboure "Lantegia" and is sponsored by the Parlement of Strasbourg. The invitation this year included Switzerland and Canada.

Louise Genest has been named recipient of the 1995 Saidye Bronfman Award in a ceremony which took place on November 14 at the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal. Established in 1977 by the Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Family Foundation, the award recognizes the excellence of the work of an individual who has made a significant contribution to the development of crafts in Canada. Along with the cash prize, works by the recipient are acquired by the Canadian Museum of Civilization for its permanent collection. In its Award Statement, the Selection Committee commented that Louise Genest "understands the participation of the viewer in the life of a craft object and honors the conversation between them. She upholds the linkage in her craft's tradition over time and culture, and contributes her own link. These, indeed, are the richest gifts that a craftperson can offer to her society."

RALPH OCKER: A PERSONAL PROFILE, written by George W. Cooke, appears in the August 1995 issue of The New Library Scene. The Ocker & Trapp Library Bindery, Inc., in Emerson, NJ, is known to be one of the best binderies on the East Coast, and Mr. Cooke set out to find out why. His account of Ralph Ocker's journey from an apprenticeship in Stuttgart at the age of 15 to his present position as proprietor of Ocker & Trapp is interesting reading. Ralph, and Millie Suter, director of the Ocker & Trapp Conservation Studio, are familiar presences at all the GBW Standards Seminars, as well as at New York book events. Currently, Ralph Ocker is sponsoring the receptions at the fall lecture series at the Grolier Club and the lecture on November 28 at the Fales Library of NYU when Sue Allen spoke on Covers and Endpapers in the 19th Century. The lecture was co-sponsored by NYU and the New York Chapter of the Guild.

DEBORAH EVETTS was the first speaker in the Grolier Club lecture series on October 26. She spoke on 25 Years of Book Conservation at the Pierpont Morgan Library , with a slide show of 140 color slides showing details of the historical and geographic evolution of conservation techniques. MINDELL DUBANSKY was the second speaker on November 16th, with a talk on Contemporary Artists' Edition Bindings.