Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 103
December 1995

by Iris Nevins

On October 13th a New Jersey Book Arts Conference was held at Rutgers University in Newark. Marbling was one of the topics, with a slide show and talk by Iris Nevins on recreating old marbled papers. There is currently on display at the Rutgers campus in New Brunswick an exhibit of items made by all the participants in the conference. The exhibit will run through December. [Other artists discussing their work were: John De Pol, illustrator/wood-engraver; Alexandra Soteriou, papermaker; Carol Joyce, bookbinder/bookmaker; Barbara Henry, Printer/illustrator; and Marie Pisano, papermaker & book artist.]

For those of you on the Internet, there is a WEB site that has scanned images of marbling, a brief history of the art, a brief "how-to" and a list of resources for marblers. A link to this site has been added to the "Book Arts Links" section of Peter Verheyen's homepage which also has links to a great many other book arts homepages.

Jean C. Kropper (artist/author/teacher) is requesting photos of book arts and cards for inclusion in an upcoming book titled Handmade Books and Creative Cards. You can send your photos to her at 62 Pennant Ave., Denistone East, NSW 2112, Australia. Please enclose an SASE for return of photos (check with your postoffice on how to do this with an overseas letter).