The Book Club of California is planning an exhibition of Fine Bindings of the 1951 edition of Finishing in Hand Bookbinding, written, printed and published by the late prominent San Francisco binders Herbert and Peter Fahey. The exhibition is intended to promote interest in the history of California hand bookbinding. Originally, unbound copies were given to binding students, many as their first full leather binding project, by local bookbinding teachers. Since then, other binders have bound copies, as well.
Everyone is encouraged to participate. If you have already bound the book, we hope you will permit us to include it. If you own a handbound copy, we would like to include it. If you have not bound a copy and would like to, there are still a limited number of unbound copies of the book available which may be purchased for $50 from Thomas Goldwasser Rare Books, 126 Post Street, suite 407, San Francisco ca 94108; tel: 415-981-4100; fax: 415-981-8935.
The exhibition will be held at the Book Club of California, 312 Sutter St., Rm. 510, San Francisco, opening October 14, 1996.
Please contact Eleanore Ramsey for more information and entry forms before the end of April, 1996, at 366 Thirty-First Avenue, San Francisco CA 94121; tel: 415-221-5176; fax; 415-776-6669; e-mail: .
The Miniature Book Society, Inc. announces the nineth annual Miniature Book Exhibition, open to all publishers, printers, designers and binders of miniature books. To be eligible, books and their slipcases must measure three inches or less, have been published in an edition (not one-of-a-kind) during the past two years. A jury composed of professionals representing different interests in the book arts, chosen by the board of governors of the mbs, will select three books fo rhte miniature Book Society Distinguished Book Award. These awards will be presented at the annual meeting of the Society to be held this September in San Francisco CA. A catalog of the exhibition will be produced and a show will tour for one year with the Miniature Book Society Travelling Exhibition. The deadline for entry is May 1, 1996. For more information and an entry form, send SASE to: Miniature Book Exhibition, Peter & Donna Thomas, 260 Fifteenth Ave., Santa Cruz CA 95062; tel: 408-475-1455
The Oregon Book Arts Guild announces the fourth Oregon Book Biennial, May 10-June 28, 1996, a juried show of handmade books. Open to all types of handmade books - letterpress, calligraphic, or artists' books. The theme of this year's show is "Endangered". What do you think is endangered? the spotted owl? timber workers? family values? individual freedoms? and on and on - make a book! Submission deadline: March 18, 1996. For more information and entry form, send SASE to: Oregon Book Arts Guild, 13620 NW Eberly Road, Banks, OR 97106, ph: 503-357-7263 or 503-324-8081.
The Honolulu Printmakers invite artists worldwide to work in the book form, to utilize the book as a vital interactive form of expression, and to explore possibilities in new directions in 'Turning the Page', an international book arts exhibition to be held in October at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Linekona Center. The show will be juried by Hedi Kyle. Focus: In this era of desktop publishing, multi-media and virtual reality, there is a need to reexamine the traditional book with a new appreciation of its compact form which allows the reader to interact directly, controlling turning the page. Deadline for entry: July 1-6,1996. Contact: Honolulu Printmakers, 1111 Victoria St., Honolulu HI 96814, 808-536-5507.
Book Ends: Individual Perspectives, an exhibition to be held during the North Redwoods Book Arts Conference, June 20-23, 1996, in Northern California, has issued an open call for artists to exhibit. Slides were due February 1, but contact D. Swendeman, 1440 B. St., Eureka CA 95501, 707-443-8119, in case the deadline may be extended. They are looking for all aspects of the book arts. (See EVENTS for more on the Conference).
The Berkeley (California) Art Center Association is calling for entries for an exhibition of Artists' Books, "Science Imagined", to be held in October of 1996. They propose the theme of envisioning science as the new millennium approaches. Where does investigative thought and research meet the creative minds of Book Artists? Can the collaborative study of proven research and artistic interpretation cultivate our understanding of our presence on earth and our relationship to nature? Will the laws of natural science help articulate our continuing evolution and involvement with the Book as Art? Projects are due for review on September 9, 1996. For information, guidelines and schedule, please call project organizer Susannah Hays, 510-549-2012 or BACA, 510-644-6893.
Shape-shifting Transformations in the Art of the Book. The Department of Visual Arts, University of Northern Colorado is hosting a Book Arts Exhibit November 1-29, 1996, with the purpose of introducing a new audience to the wealth of activity in contemporary approaches to the book as art. Slide entries of works of traditional fine craft, artists' books, and works of art that incorporate or respond to the book form are welcome.
The exhibit is curated by Margaret Sunday, with help from students and faculty of the Department of Visual Arts. Catalogs and sets of slides of exhibited works are planned for publication and sale to establish a scholarship fund for students in Book Arts and Printmaking at UNC. The exhibit is scheduled to travel in 1997.
To request a prospectus, send your sase to: Book Arts Exhibit, Department of Visual Arts, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley CO 80639. Deadline: March 6, 1996.
February 23: Claremont CA: "Dressing the Text: The Fine Press Artists' Book", a national juried exhibition sponsored by the Printers' Chapel of Santa Cruz and the Art Museum of Santa Cruz County at the Clark Humanities Museum of Scripps College.
March 30: Berkeley CA: East/West Exchange, The California Society of Printmakers and NYC's Society of Graphic Artists join together to present a show of 60 prints, half from each group. At Kala Institute in Berkeley, then in NYC at 479 Gallery in November.
March 31: Lewisburg PA: "Prints by Anne Jope: Wood Engravings & Wood Cuts". Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library, Bucknell University, Lewisburg pa 17837. Contact: Roberta Sims, 717-524-1557.
April 10: Tuscaloosa AL: "The Arts of the Japanese Book", an exhibition planned in cooperation with the Japan Program and the annual Sakura Festival on the campus of the University of Alabama. Beginning February 10, it features Japanese books and bookbinding, paper decoration, calligraphy, kozo papermaking, sumi-e painting and haiku. Workshops are planned in conjunction with the exhibition. Contact: Paula Gourley, 205-348-4990.
April 12: The Hague, Netherlands: "Études pour une maternité: Twelve Design Bindings", the collection of bindings commissioned on a single book of letterpress-printed drawings by Dutch artist Robert Brandhof of Paris. Now at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, (The Hague), Netherlands. Contact: Paula Gourley, 205-348-4990.
April 20: New York NY: "The Hand of the Poet: 100 Poets in Manuscript" from John Donne to Julia Alvarez. (Part I), The first half of this exhibit from the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library is subtitled "Donne to Yeats". At the Center for the Humanities, 5th Avenue & 42nd St.
May 16: Anchorage AK: "The Mystery of the Magic Box: An Open and Shut Case", an exploration of the box in all its history, form and function. Includes mixed-media works by 35 artists from all over the country. At the Anchorage Museum of History and Art, 121 West 7th Avenue.
Center for Book Arts 1996 Exhibition Schedule. 626 Broadway, 5th fl., New York NY, 212-460-9768.
Dieu Donné Papermill 1996 Exhibition Schedule. 433 Broome St., New York NY 10013, 212-226-0573.
March 1-30: Ottawa, Ontario: "Works On and With Paper", an exhibition by Claire Van Vliet, at the Papertrail Mill & Gallery, 1546 Chatelain Ave., Ottawa ON K1Z 8B5; 613-365-4669.
March 18 - 28: New Zealand: "Wordworks 1996", a biennial show and sale at the Aotea Centre, Auckland, organized by the Association of Book Crafts. Contact: Julie Timpson, 22 Marama Ave., Epsom, Auckland 1003, N.Z
April 9 - June 15: Brussels, Belgium: 'Contemporary Bindings as a Fine Art', an exhibition on "Some observations and experiences" by Jan van der Marck. At the Bibliotheca Wittockiana, 21, rue du Bemel, b-1150 Bruxelles. With catalogue.
April 12 - 14: Newport OR: 3rd annual "Paper Arts Festival". Contact: Denise DeMarie, Grass Roots Paper Co., 322 NW 59th, Newport OR; 503-265-5288.
May 1996: Luxembourg: "Variations on a theme. Twenty decorated bindings on 'Text and Images'," at the Bibliothèque Nationale de Luxembourg, 37 Blvd. F.D. Roosevelt, l-2450 Luxembourg. With catalog.
May 9 - June 9: Paris, France: The bindings of Claude Honnelaitre at the Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris, 24 rue Mahler, 75004, Paris.
May 10 - June 28: Banks OR: 4th Oregon Book Biennial, 'Endangered'. Contact: Oregon Book Arts Guild, 503-357-7263 or 503-324-8081.
May 16 - June 2: Budapest, Hungary: International Book Art Exhibition, juried by Jan Sobota, Beata Szechy, Ilona Kiss. At the Vigado Gallery. For information, contact: Hungarian Multicultural Center, Inc., 1031 Kessler Parkway, Dallas TX 75208.
June 6 - 29: Paris, France: "Plat Dessus, Plat Dessous", Crossed Structure Bindings at the Librairie Auguste Blaizot, 164 Rue du Fg St Honore, 75009 Paris. Illustrated, bilingual catalog.
October, 1996: Honolulu HI: "Turning the Page", international book arts exhibition at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Linekona Center. Juried by Hedi Kyle. Contact: Honolulu Printmakers, 1111 Victoria St., Honolulu HI 96814, 808-536-5507.
May 1997: Dallas TX: "The 1997 Helen Warren DeGolyer Triennial Exhibition & Award for American Bookbinding", at Bridwell Library of the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. For information, contact Jan Sobota, 214-768-3733.
Late February through May: Austin TX: The Handbridge Bindery announces the continuation of their series of 'Bookbinding Workshops'. Topics include Leather Paring I & II, Leather Onlays, Paper & Half-leather Case Bindings. Instructor: Swiss binder Raoul Bollin, at the Handbridge Bindery, 1720 S. Congress Ave., Austin TX 78704. Call 512-445-4544 for information. These are Sat. & Sun., late Feb. through late May.
February through May: Toronto, Ont.: Book Arts Workshops sponsored by the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild will be given at various times. Instructors: Betsey Eldridge, Don Taylor, Reg Beatty, Shelagh Smith. Contact cbbag, 35 McCaul St., Suite 221, Toronto M5T 1V7, Canada, or call Shelagh Smith 905-851-1554.
Center for Book Arts, 1996 Lecture Demonstrations: 626 Broadway, New York NY 10012; 212-460-9768.
Call the Center for their schedule of workshops in papermaking, printing and book arts. Robbin Ami Silverberg will be teaching several classes in papermaking in March and May.
The City Lit: London: Bookbinding, restoration and calligraphy classes and studio space available. Contact: 6 Bolt Court, London EC4 3DQ. (0171)405-2949.
Roehampton Institute: London: Bookbinding and calligraphy classes available. Contact: Jen Lindsay, (0181)392-3658 or (0171)286-3973.
Paper Marbling: Johnsonburg NJ: Iris Nevins is teaching marbling privately, in her studio. Contact her at: P.O. Box 429, Rydell Rd., Johnsonburg NJ 07846, 908-813-8617, fax: 908-813-3431.
Southwest Craft Center, 300 Augusta, San Antonio TX 78205,210-224-1848, is offering several book arts events:
March 5: London, England: Designer Bookbinders Tuesday Lecture "Five Flavours of Bookbinding" given by Philip Smith. At the Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC 1. £2, 7 pm.
April 1: Toronto, Ont.: The Gryphon Lecture in the History of the Book with Mirjam foot, "Aspects of Bookbinding and Decoration" at the Thomas Fisher Rare book Library, University of Toronto.
April 3-5: London, England: Conference on the role of the scientist in conservation. For details contact Sara Carroll, Dept. of Conser-vation, British Museum, Gt. Russell St., London WC1B 3DG.
April 4-7: Sheffield, England: Society of Archivists Chemistry Course for Paper Conservators. Contact: Helen Miller, Sheffield Libraries Conservation Unit, Libraries Arts & Museum Bldg., Ellin St., Sheffield D1 4PL. Tel: 0742 73.42.36.
April 12: Dallas TX: Paper marbling workshop with Jarmila Sobota, 2 p.m. at the Bridwell Library, SMU, 6005 Bishop Blvd. Contact 214-768-4293 for reservation.
April 12-13: Northampton, Mass.: "Books Illustrated: Symposium Celebrating the Work of Ruth Mortimer." The symposium will highlight four aspects of her work: collecting, scholarship, teaching and librarianship. Opening address by Barry Moser, G. Thomas Tanselle will be among the featured speakers. At Smith College. Contact: Mary Irwin, Neilson Library, Northampton, 01063. Tel: 413-585-2903, e-mail:
April 12 - 14: San Francisco CA: "Preservation West" at Fort Mason Center will include booths on book and paper restoration and conservation organized by the Hand Bookbinders of CA and the Guild of Book Workers. Displays and demonstrations. Contact: Dominic Riley, 510-525-5614.
April 12 - 14: Newport OR: 3rd annual Newport Paper Arts Festival, a paper and book arts celebration. for registration information send sase to: n.p.a.f., p.o. Box 287, South Beach or 97366.
April 12 - May 18: Denver CO: "Journeys Into Uncharted Territory", Polly Fox's first one woman show of marbling and marbled monoprints on paper. Founder of Ink & Gall, the marbling magazine, and internationaly known paper marbler, Polly will teach a series of workshops at the Dancing Horse Studios, 244 South Broadway, Denver CO 80209. Ph. 303-698-1331, fax: 303-698-0120. Contact Nancy Missbach.
April 19: New York NY. 2nd Annual Conference, "The Collector and Bookseller: Fellowship of the Book", at the Grolier Club, 47 E. 60th St., NYC. Contact: Middle Atlantic Chapter, ABAA, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York NY 10020, 212-757-9395, fax: 212-459-0307. Seminar sessions on Music, Prints, Fine Printing, Maps, Binding, Photography. Fee: $325.
April 20-21, May 25-26: Olympia WA: Paper marbling workshops with Don Guyot, in his studio. Contact Don at Colophon Book Arts Supply, 3046 Hogum Bay Road NE, Olympia WA 98516; 360-459-2940.
April 22 - 29: Erice, Italy: "Erice 96" international conference on conservation and restoration of library and archival materials. For information, contact the Segreteria del Convegno, Instituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro, Via Milano 76, I-10084 Rome, Italy. 6 4829 1235-4829 1304, fax: 4814968.
April 27: London, England: Annual General Meeting of Designer Book-binders at The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1.
May 8 - 19: Penland NC: Paper and Book Intensive 1996, cosponsored by the book arts programs at the Universities of Iowa and Alabama. Contact Pam Spitzmueller, Conservation, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City IA, 52242, ph: 319-335-5908, fax: 5900 for brochure, which is being made up now.
May 10: Dallas TX: Letterpress Printing Workshop with Jan Sobota and Page Thomas at the Bridwell Library, SMU, 6005 Bishop Blvd. Call 214-768-4293 for reservation. Free & open to the public.
May 21 - 26: Montreal, Quebec: 22nd Annual Workshop & Conference of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works - Canadian Group. The workshop (May 21 -23) will concentrate on the identification and eradication of insect pests in cultural institutions. The Conference itself will be from 24 to 26 May and a Call for Papers on any aspect of conservation has been issued. Contacts: Program: Bruno Pouliot (514-398-7100, fax: 398-5045); Registration: Marie Trotter (514-939-7000, fax: 939-7020).
May - June, 1996: Europe: "Marks of the Makers", summer Book Arts Study Tour in Germany, Holland and Switzerland is being offered by the University of Alabama. The program will include visits to the Gutenberg Museum, Klingspor Museum, Deutsches Leder Museum, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, and others. For details and preliminary itinerary, contact Paula M. Gourley at 2811 Sixth St., Tuscaloosa AL 35401, 205-758-3997.
May 27 - July 19: Telluride CO: Summer classes at the American Academy of Bookbinding include "French-style Leather Binding, Gilding and Onlay" with Tini and Einen Miura and Hans Peter Frölich, and "Long or Chain Stitch" with guest instructor John Franklin Mowery. Contact: The American Academy of Bookbinding, P.O. Box 1590, Telluride CO 81435; ph: 970-728-3886, fax: 970-728-9709.
June 3-7: Oxford, England: Workshop for conservators, designed by Chris Clarkson: "An Introduction to Early and Medieval Bookbindings - A Foundation to Understanding Later Techniques." Lectures, model studies, field trips, and a little practical work. Fee: £175 (IPC members), £210 (nonmembers). Limited to 13. Checks to (IPC Leigh Lodge, Leigh, Worcester WR6 5LB, England.
June 7-11: Paris, France: Air neuf conference at the Centre Culturel "Les Fontaines" Chantilly. For information: Air neuf, 34 rue Ballu, 75009 Paris.
June 12-15: Norfolk VA: AIC annual meeting. Theme: Collaboration in the Visual Arts. Contact: AIC Office, 1717 K St., NW, Suite 301, Washington DC 20006 (202-452-9545, fax: 452-9328).
June 15-27: Brookline MA: "Paper-making in Depth", workshop with Richard Flavin, Elaine Koretsky and Donna Koretsky. Specialized techniques: pulp spraying, pulp painting and the use of high shrinkage pulps to create three-dimensional forms. Carriage House Paper, 8 Evans Road, Brookline MA 02146, 617-232-1636; fax: 617- 277-7719.
June 20-23: Arcata CA: "Book Ends: Individual Perspectives", a North Redwoods Book Arts Conference at Humboldt State University, with slide shows, workshops, exhibitions, and vendor booths. Three-day pre-conference workshops on Long- and Link-stitch Binding will be taught by Reg Beatty or Innovative Binding Structures by Shereen LaPlantz and five-day post-conference workshops on Sculptural Bookbinding will be taught by Carol Barton or Techniques for Case Binding a Book by Peter & Donna Thomas. Registration begins February 1. Contact Shereen Laplantz, Book Ends Conference, 899 Bayside Cutoff, Bayside CA 95524; 707-822-6009.
June 21-23, 1996: "The Book Arts Towards Century's End", a Conference and Book Fair being organized by the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild. There will be workshops on Friday, conference on Saturday and the book fair on Sunday. At Oakum House, Ryerson Institute, 63 Gould St., Toronto. Contact Shelagh Smith, 905-851-1554 for details, or write: The Book Arts at Century's End, c/o Linda Lee, 276 Charlton Ave. W, Hamilton, ONT L8P 2E2.
June 22-24: Portland OR: "Focus on Structure" conference. Workshops, lectures and trade show. Scope: accordion fold books to gestural handwriting to watercolor marbling to wax tablets. Call Debra Glantz at the Oregon Book Arts Guild, 503-244-0726.
June 23 - 29: Hawley MA: Suzanne Moore and Donald Glaister present the "Berkshire Book Adventure", a week-long bookmaking workshop. $550 incl. room & board. $100 deposit to: Suzanne Moore, Box 477, Ashfield MA 01330-0477; 413-625-6659.
June 24 - July 12: Honolulu HI: 3-week workshop on innovative book structures with Hedi Kyle at the University of Hawaii Summer Session. For details, call the university at 808-956-7221.
June 25 - 29: Iowa City IA: "Historical Book Models", the second of two University of Iowa Libraries 1996 Advanced Conser-vation Workshops. Scope includes history and function of bookbinding structures; model construction serves as tool to practice techniques and observe effects. Instructor: Pamela Spitzmueller. Limited to 4. Deadline: April 30. No fee, but stipend of $500, courtesy of Mellon Foundation. Contact: Pam Spitzmueller, Conservation, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City IA 52242.
July 1 - 17: Italy: Mark Van Stone will give over fifty hours of class and field instruction spread across two weeks in Rome, Pompeii, Amalfi, Benevento, Ravenna, Pisa, and elsewhere in North Italy. Inquiries to Mark Van Stone, 7502 Paxton St., Austin TX 78752, 512-323-0505.
July 2 - 5: Edinburgh, Scotland: Annual conference of the Society of Archivists and the Conservation Training Conference. Theme: Preservation in the broadest sense. Contact: Alison B. Horsburgh, Head of Preservation Services Branch, H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh EN1 3YY, Scotland; ph: 44 131 535 1306; fax: 535 1360; e-mail:
July 3 - 4: Ljubljana, Slovenia: A Symposium of Book and Paper Conservation with ten 20-minute talks each day and simultaneous Slovene/English translation. Topics include: Paper and parchment conservation, medieval bindings and structures, restoration of incunabula, etc. A detailed program is available from: Ms Jedert Vodopivec, Archives of Republic of Slovenia, 61000 Ljubljana, Zverdarska 1, Slovenia; tel: 61 1251 222; fax: 61 216 551. (Slovenia is south of Austria and north of Croatia. The country code is 386, and the city code is 61.)
July 4 - 10: New York NY: ALA Annual Conference.
July 8 -12 & 15 - 19: Santa, Idaho: "Technology of the Medieval Book, IX", includes spinning thread, making paper, cooking glue size and starch paste the first week; and folding and sewing textblocks on raised cords or split thongs, shaping wooden boards, sewing endbands, and making parchment needles and fore edge clasps the second week. $550 per week, tuition, room & board. Contact: Jack C. Thompson, 7549 N. Fenwick, Portland OR 97217; 503-248-0046 day, or 289-8723 night; internet:
July 18 - 21: Worcester MA: Fourth annual conference of SHARP (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing) under the auspices of AAS. Scope: Creation, diffusion, or reception of the written or printed word in any historical period. Contact SHARP 1996, American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St., Worcester MA 01609-1634; fax: 508-754-9069; e-mail:
August 3 - 10: Tacoma WA: "Soundings", 16th international calligraphy conference at the University of Puget Sound, featuring classes, exhibits, trade show, scribe shop, evening lectures and socials. $100 reservation fee ($75 refundable until March 1). Contact: Peggy Whalen, 3811 South 255th Place, Kent WA 98032-9711. Calligraphy guilds are also invited to participate, contact: Karen Kant, 112 Meadow Rd. SW, Tacoma WA 98499; 206-589-3994.
August 4 - 9: Copenhagen, Denmark: 11th annual meeting of the International Association of Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists and the 17th annual meeting of the Nordic Paper Historians. IAPMA and NPH exhibitions, concerts, performances, a papermarket, etc. Several major venues in Copenhagen will host international exhibitions of paper art during the summer of 1996 and throughout the year. A post conference tour will be arranged. For more information, contact: Anne Vilsboll, Stryno, 5900 Rudkobing, Denmark.
August 27 - September 1: San Diego CA: SSA annual meeting.
August 30 - September 5: Leipzig, Germany: 23rd General Meeting and Congress of the International Association of Paper Historians (PH). "The History of Paper as an Auxiliary Science". Further information from Dr. Frieder Schmidt, Deutsches Buch- und Schriftmuseum, Deutsche Bucherei Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 1, D-04103, Leipzig, Germany.
September 27-29: Montreal, Que.: Fifth Biennial International Forum of Les Amis de la Reliure d'Art, sponsored by l'ARA-Canada. Contact: Paula M. Gourley, 2811 Sixth St., Tuscaloosa AL 35401.
October: Mt. Carroll IL: Conservation Refresher Courses: Treatment of Pressure Sensitive Tapes and Tape Stains; Treatment of Japanese Prints; Inpainting Works of Art on Paper. Most courses 4-5 days. Fees average $500 - $600 incl. room & 2 meals a day. Contact: Campbell Center, 203 E. Seminary, Mt. Carroll IL 61053; 815-244-1173.
October: New York NY: 1996 Annual Meeting of the Friends of Dard Hunter, hosted by Dieu Donné Papermill, 433 Broome St., New York NY 10013; 212-226-0573.
October 18 - 19: Pasadena CA: 16th Annual Standards of Excellence in Hand Bookbinding Seminar of the Guild of Book Workers in the Pasadena Hilton Hotel. Tours of Kater-Craft Bindery and the Huntington Library during the day, Wednesday, October 17, will be followed by a reception at Scripps College and a viewing of the GBW/Thomas Exhibition at its first site. Presently confirmed presenters are Louise Genest on "Different Techniques in Binding Miniature Books," Jan Sobota on "Cuir Cisele," Terry Buckley on "Dyeing Leather" and Richard Horton on "Photo Albums." Contact: Monique Lallier, 910-643-0934 or Joanne Page, 310-377-5993.
Feb. 14 - 20, 1997: Washington DC: ALA midwinter meeting.
April 6 - 9: London, England: 4th International Conference of the Institute of Paper Conservation at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. Papers and posters invited on all aspects of paper conservation. Deadline for abstracts: end of February 1996. Contact: Conference Secretariat, IPC International Conference, Index Communications Meeting Services, P.O. Box 79, Romsey Hampshire SO51 0ZH, U.K.; tel: +44 (0)1794 511331/2; fax: +44 (0) 1794 511455.
June 26 to July 3: San Francisco CA: ALA annual conference.
October 24 - 25: Ann Arbor MI: 17th Annual Standards of Excellence in Hand Bookbinding Seminar of the Guild of Book Workers.