On March 5th, Martha Kearsley began work at Northwestern University Library, filling the recent Conservation Technician opening. Martha acquired a certificate in Bookbinding from the North Bennet Street School in Boston and was a student of both Mark Esser and Sally Key. During the past year she has been at Harvard working on the architectural plans and drawings of H. H. Richardson. She may be reached at 708/491-8892.
Maria Grandinetti has been appointed Head of Conservation of the Stanford University Libraries as of March 11. She was formerly Preservation Officer at the Hoover Library.
Paula Gourley gave the keynote talk at the opening of the exhibition of the 1995 European Bookbinding Competition on February 9 at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The National Library of the Netherlands) in Den Haag. During the visit she installed the small exhibition, "Études pour une maternité," in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek where it remains until it travels to the Fachhochschule Augsburg in May.