Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 106
June 1996


On December 31, 1995, Ursula Wille married Nilo Mitra, and will now be using the name Ursula Mitra. Her new address is 9 Pomander Walk, #2, New York NY 10025, 212/663-3271.

Sherelyn Ogden and Allan Thenen were married May 12. Sherelyn will relocate to St. Paul, where she will be in private practice and consulting. She will maintain her ties to NEDCC, on a consulting basis. Their address: 2004 Summit Ave., St. Paul MN 55105, 612/690-5897.

Susan Share's New York premiere of Box for a Brighter Side, a performance piece with fold-out sculpture took place at the Henry Street Settlement on May 3. The piece, a collaboration with choreographer Stormy Brandenberger, begins as a large suitcase-like box and is gradually unfolded to reveal brightly colored collage panels, life-size screens and pop-ups which spread outward, upward and across the floor. This abstract movement work brings sculpture into the performance arena to be revealed as a tactile, visual and mobile force.

Kitty Maryatt's exhibition of bookworks, A Quarter Century will be on display at The Book Club of California, San Francisco, until June 17. She addressed a joint meeting of The Roxburghe Club and The Colophon Club on May 21st at the University Club in San Francisco. Her talk was entitled 'A Quarter Century in the Book Arts'. Kitty is proprietor of Two Hands Pressand Scripps College Press in Los Angeles.