Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 106
June 1996


There is unhappy news to report at this time. During the out-of-control fires north of Taos, New Mexico in early May, Polly Fox and Dexter Ing's home was totally destroyed. Polly is a fellow marbler and publisher, with Dexter, of Ink & Gall. Fortunately, Polly, Dexter and their son Will escaped safely along with their pet llamas, but they lost everything.

For those wishing to send donations to their family, a bank account has been set up in Taos. Contributions can be sent to:
Polly Fox & Dexter Ing Relief Fund
c/o Centinel (sic) Bank
Box 828, Acct. #352837
Taos, NM 87571.

Among the items lost were marbling equipment, computer equipment and an extensive marbling book collection. If anyone has any used items in these areas, I'm sure they will be especially appreciated. However, before sending any items, please contact them at P.O. Box 1649, Taos, NM 87571, to be certain they can use them.

(Ed. note: We called Silvia Rennie, who lives not far from Polly and Dexter. She was away at the time, but the neighbor taking care of her house and goats, told us that the fire had not reached her valley and all is well. She is listing the calls received from concerned friends and will report to Silvia on her return.)

The fifth International Marblers' Gathering is scheduled to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, during the week of June 1-8, 1997. If you wish to attend, contact:
Hikmet Barutcugil
Ishakpasa Cad. 8
Sultanahmet 34400
Istanbul, Turkey
tel: 90 212 5176841
fax: 90 212 5162944