This list is compiled by Sid Huttner and includes catalogs received by him which include books of interest to GBW members. Catalog number, address, phone number and Internet address (when stated in the catalog) are recorded.
Antiquariaat Frits Knuf Bulletin 56 (286 items) and 185 (408 items). POB. 780, 5340 AT Oss, The Netherlands. 011-599-0-412-626072. Paper: papermaking, paper-history, paper-art and marbling. Book arts and bibliography.. au burin* (1745), $750 and Halfer's *Progress of the marbling art* (1893), $2500.
Bertram Rota 278 (332 items). 31 Long Acre, Covent Garden, London wc2e 9lt. 011-44-0171-836-0723. <>. Fine printing (arranged by press, English and American).
Black Sun Books 101 (285 items). 157 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022. 212-688-6622. <blksnbks@panix. com>. Fine press and illustrated books, several bindings.
The Bookpress 94 (251 items), 95 (237 items),and 96 (261 items) P.O. Box kp, Williamsburg, VA 23187. 804-229-1260. 94: varia, including Bickham's 1741 Universal Penman ($5800), several bookbinding items (and offering a separate list of bookbinding items in stock). 95: book arts section with 50 items including 4th edition of Hannett's Bibliopegia ($700) and complete run of Matrix ($3000). 96: 50 book arts and bibliography items including Abraham Bosse De la maniere de graver al'eau forte et
Bromer Booksellers 97 (286 items). 607 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116. 617-247-2818. <books@bromer. com>. Bindings, private press, illustrated, and juvenile books. Illustrated catalog.
Colophon Book Shop List 86 (231 items) and List 88 (193 items).. 117 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833. 603-772-8443. <>. Books about books, etc. Run of books on bookbinding, several papermaking items.
Claude Cox 113 (565 items). 3 & 5 Silent Street, Ipswich ip1 1tf, England. 011-44-01473-254776. Press books, bindings (including a 1926 specimen binding, £35), type specimens, typography, and books about books.
Joshua Heller 16 (322 items). and List 23 (184 items). P.O. Box 39114, Washington, DC 20016-9114. 202-966-9411.<>. Finely printed & beautifully illustrated books, artists' books and books about books. Brief bios (some with photos) of Deborah Evetts, Sandra Jackman, Bruno Leti, Francisco Mor-ales-Zamorano, Carol Schwartzott, Robin Ami Silverberg, Beth Thielen, Larry B. Thomas, Richard Tipping, and others.
Priscilla Juvelis Winter Miscellany 96-1 (158 items). and Summer Miscellany 96-3 (109 items). 1166 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. 617-497-7570. Artists books, bindings, calligraphy, press books, and more. Marborough Rare Books 166 (335 items). 144-146 New Bond Street, London w1y 9fd. 011-44-0171-493-6993. Art & illustrated books, including early lithography and photography. Many illustrations.
Oak Knoll Books 179 (1565 items), 180 (569 items).,181 (2311 items) and 182 (601 items) 414 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720. 302-328-7232. <>. 179: Printing: History & Technique from the Collection of Norman Blaustein (Part II). History of printing in the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Italy. 180: Press Books, Books about Books, Bibliography. Run of bookbinding items. 181: Printing: History & Technique from the Collection of Norman Blaustein (Part III). History of printing in the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and other countries. 182: Press and leaf books, books about books.
Oaklander Books 2 (640 items). 547 West 27th Street, New York, NY 10001. 212-594-4210. Graphic design, printing/typography, calligraphy, press books. Many European titles.
Justin G. Schiller Ltd. 47 (100 items). 135 East 57th Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10022. 212-832-8231. <>. Rare and Collectible Children's Books. Illustrated catalog offering many illustrated books for children.
Charles Seluzicki New Series Catalogue One (212 items). 3733 N.E. 24th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212. 503-284-4749. <>. Press books, inter alia.
Henry Sotheran Limited, Picadilly Notes 34 (367 items). 2 Sackville Street, London w1x 2dp. 011-44-0171-439-6151. Miscellany including illustrated books, a Kelmscott Press book bound by Sarah Prideaux, and more. Some bindings illustrated in color.
The Veatchs 30 (319 items). 20 Veronica Court, Smithtown, NY 11787-1323. 516-265-3357. <veatchs@aol. com>. Printing History & Technique. Offers inter alia an original 72 point adjustable hand type mold circa 1895-1905 with matrix for an ornament ($1200).
Charles B. Wood III 90 (238 items). po Box 2369, Cambridge, MA 02238. 617-868-1711. Books printed in America before 1860, including a number of American bindings. Also Edward Walker's 1850 The Art of Bookbinding... ($975).