Press Books in Sheets
From Peter Thomas:
As announced in the April Newsletter, I am organizing a list of
recently published fine press and limited edition books which are
available in sheets for binders. This list will appear in each issue
of the GBW Newsletter and will be a way for binders to find creative
new material to bind, as well as for printers to spread the news of
their books. Send announcements of any books available in sheets to
me at 260 Fifteenth Avenue, Santa Cruz CA 95062. Include your
information, the height, width and thickness of the book, as well as
the price in sheets.
For more information, send for prospectus:
How to Talk About Art, by Miriam Shenitzer. Offset printed
pop-up book. 500 copies, 3/4" x 3/4" x? $75 bound, $50 in sheets.
Available from Women's Studio Workshop, po Box 489, Rosendale NY
Place of the Long River, A Connecticut River Anthology. Letterpress printed on Rives, handset in Garamond, printed in two colors, 21 woodcut images, 15 are multi-color reduction cuts. 13" x 7 1/2" x? Bound copies $700. Ask for price in sheets. Available from Blue Moon Press, 72 Bayberry Rd., Glastonbury CT 06033.
The Tarantella Rose (1995), by William Everson. 6 previously unpublished poems by W. Everson. 7 linocut illus. by Donna. Letterpress printed with Weiss type on Peter's handmade paper. 10 5/8" x 7 5/8" x 3/8", 38 pp. $395 in sheets. Available from Peter & Donna Thomas, 260 Fifteenth Avenue, Santa Cruz CA 95062. tel: 408/475-1455.
Recollections - My Life in Bookbinding, by Bernard C, Middleton, with a foreword by Dr. Marianne Tidcombe. The announcement in DB Newsletter for Spring 1996 says most of the edition of 200 have already been subscribed. Contact Bird & Bull Press, 2 Jericho Mountain Rd., Newtown PA 18940.
Women Bookbinders 1880 - 1920, by Marianne Tidcombe. The role and the work of women craft binders, particularly Sarah Prideaux, Katherine Adams, Sybil Pye and the Guild of Women Binders. Appendices illustrate tools used. 32 color plates, 100 b/w photographs. 240 pp. £35. British Library Publications.
Encyclopedia of the Book, by Geoffrey Ashall Glaister has been reprinted by Oak Knoll Press. A standard reference guide to the book, it began in 1951 as a technical reference for graphicarts professionals and now contains over 3,000 definitions of terms used in bookbinding, printing, papermaking and the book trade. With biographical details of printers, authors, bookbinders, bibliophiles and precise notes on machinery and equipment, famous books, printing societies, book-related organizations, customs of the trade, etc. Hardcover, 1996, 576 pp., isbn 1-884718-15-9, $75, order #42509; paperback isbn 1-884718-14-0, $49.95, order #42510. Oak Knoll Books, 414 Delaware St., New Castle, DE 19720; tel: 302/328-7232, fax: 328-7274.
A Millennium of the Book: Production, Design and Illustration in Manuscript and Print, 900 -1900, Robin Myers and Michael Harris, Ed., Oak Knoll Press, 192 pp., $30. isbn 1-884718-07-8. Available from Oak Knoll Books. A collection of essays which include: 'Medieval book design in England', Linda Nix; 'The design relationship between the manuscript and the incunable', Margaret Smith; 'The Aldine Italic', Nicholas Barker; 'Binding before 1800', Nicholas Pickwoad; 'Illustration in 18th-century English magazines', David Alexander; 'The emergence of the graphic book in the 19th century', Michael Twyman
The Dial Painters, poems by John Barr, 1996, Warwick Press (Box 70-a, Easthampton ma 01027, 413/527-5456), 63 pp., signed by the printer and poet; designed, handbound and letterpress printed in Centaur and Arrighi types by Carol J. Blinn on Frankfurt white, decorated and marbled papers by Carol. 110 copies with decorated paper: $200, postpaid; 26 copies 1/2 linen, marbled paper: $245 (Mass. residents add 5% tax).
Off the Deckle Edge by Neeta Premchand. Following in the footsteps of Dard Hunter, who wrote a comprehensive book on Indian papermaking in the 1930s, Neeta Premchand makes a similar journey nearly 60 years later. She takes the reader back 400 years, retraces the largely oral tradition and rediscovers the original methods of papermaking, some of which remain untouched by time. Others are fast disappearing as machines make inroads into the craft. Published by Ankur Project 63, Bombay. Hardcover with 8 sections, each wrapped in paper made at some of the mills mentioned in the book. 23 x 23cm, 127 pp., 101 col. pl. £22.50 + £3 p&p. Payable to N. Premchand, po Box 4556, ch-8022 Zurich, Switzerland. fax: +411 225 4888.
On This Land, by Karen Kunc and Completing the Circle, by Philomena Robinson, two artists' book recently published by The Library Fellows of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. An edition of 125 copies each, available from the Museum Shop of the National Museum of Women in the Arts for $175 and $75 respectively, shipping included. Each book numbered and signed by the artists. 1250 New York Avenue, nw, Washington DC 20005-3920, tel: 202/783-5000.
Manuals, Guides, and Videos Training for Collections Care and Maintenance: A Suggested Curriculum for Library and Archives Collections, A new publication by NEDCC and NIC, written by Karen Motylewski and Lisa Fox. Available through NIC for $21.25 for members and $25 for non-members. To order, contact: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 3299 k Street, NW, Suite 602, Washington, DC 20007-4415; tel: 202/625-1495; fax: 202/625-1485.
Reliures et Papiers is the new publication of ARQ, Association des Relieurs du Quebec. Its Vol. 12, no. 1, Spring 1996 is a 20 pp. magazine, in French; 8 1/2" x 11", illus. This issue's feature article is on Ernest Cormier, Canadian artist, architect and bookbinder in the early years of the 20th century in Montreal. The issue also includes an article on how to repair the spine of a damaged book, recent exhibitions in Europe , and "Qu'est-ce qu'un livre d'artiste?" (What is an artists' book?), on an exhibition held last January. l'arq, Casier postal 637, Succursale Outremont, Outremont (Quebec) h2v 4n6, Canada. It has been two years since ARQ published their journal, during which time they revised their format and method of financing their publication. The result is a large, handsome journal with lots of illustrations and advertisements. We have been exchanging publications with ARQ for many years, so this new journal will be in our library for borrowing.
Paper Crafters : the how-to publication for paper crafts enthusiasts is a new magazine sent to us recently. It is a quarterly, Editor: Rona Chumbook, Special Editors: Aimée Kligman and Shereen LaPlantz. Address: 6575 SW 86th Ave., Portland, OR 97223. Voice Mail: 503/223-0167, fax: 503/292-6070 (to Bob Chumbook), e-mail: Subscription: US $16; Canada: $20; Foreign, surface $20, airmail $26. Single issue US $4.50, outside UA $6.
Topia: the place, the people, the art in living is another new magazine sent to us, labeled Sneak Preview. The first issue will be available in September, 1996. They expect to cover a very wide range of artists and craftsmen: photography, acting, ceramics, cartoon making, stage direction, singing, painting, knife design, weaving and sculpture. No mention of books or paper. They include a calendar of visual & performing arts and crafts events. One year: $11.50. Available from Topis, 1735 Maryland Ave., Baltimore, md 21201, tel: 410/727-5241, or 1-800-814-2003.