Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 109
December 1996

New Faces on the Executive Committee

As a result of the elections held during the past year, there are several new Chapter Chairmen and a new member of the Executive Committee.

Barbara Lazarus Metz is now the Exhibitions Chairman, as announced at the Annual Meeting on October 19 in Pasadena. She is taking over from Peter Verheyen, who has been Chairman since 1990. Peter has organized the present Members' Exhibition, Paper Bound, and Barbara will see it through its subsequent sites (it is currently at the University of Rochester, NY). Barbara will begin the work of organizing the next Guild show to be held in two years' time.

Barbara is a book artist, teacher and curator. She was co-founder and director of Artists BookWorks in Chicago, which recently merged with Paper Press and Columbia College to form the Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts. Barbara received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute in Chicago.

New Chapter Chairmen elected this year are: James Reid-Cunningham, New England Chapter; Erin Loftus, Potomac Chapter; and Pamela Barrios and Laura Wait, co-chairmen of the Rocky Mountain Chapter. Pam is in Provo, Utah, and Laura is in Denver, Colo. Chapter chairmen sit in on the Executive Committee meetings to report their activities and raise whatever questions may come up.