Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 109
December 1996


A Thank You

To Joanne Page and her team of volunteers: Mel Kavin, Kitty Maryatt, Janet Takahashi, Alice Vaughan and Barbara Wood, a warm thank you for the very good organization of the Standards of Excellence Seminar in Pasadena. Things went smoothly, the packet was colorful and contained all the information needed by the participants.

Thank you also to the participants, who were numerous, and to the many vendors, new and regular ones, for the wonderful contribution to that meeting.

The four presenters gave very good presentations and were rated accordingly by the participants. Msgr. Weber was the speaker at the banquet and kept everybody laughing. Some participants regret the fact that he did not talk about his interest in miniature books and bindings..........

I have received only 18 evaluation sheets that were very helpful since the comments were substantial and the criticism very constructive. But for 130 registrants, it is not a big return. So please write what you would like to see in the future and what you think could be done better. We really need your input. Don't Be Shy. These meetings are yours, organized for your benefit, to raise the standards in bookbinding.

Also, I would like to welcome a greater number of professional bookbinders. With all the vendors from around the world offering a great variety of all the materials we need to realize the most exquisite bindings, it is a must that more and more professionals attend. Plus, we always learn something by watching other professionals working. Don (Etherington) and I are always amazed at what we have learned and sometimes wonder why we did not think about it ourselves before! And the questions that are brought up by the professionals bring the presentations even further. And the meeting with colleagues and talks over a drink or a meal are very pleasant and full of laughter.

Next year we will be in Ann Arbor. Shannon Zachary is the coordinator with a group of dedicated volunteers. Pam Spitzmueller will demonstrate and talk about the extensive research she has done on Long-Stitch sewing structure. Nancy Jacoby, of the Japanese Paper Place in Toronto will share her great knowledge of Japanese paper and tell us how to recognize the highest quality. Don Etherington will demonstrate different Japanese paper repair: on paper, cloth binding, laminating - that will be a joint session between Nancy and Don.

We are working hard at the Guild to provide you with the best meeting every year, trying to find the best presenters on the topic you asked to be demonstrated.


I am looking forward to seeing you all next year in Ann Arbor. Sincerely yours,

- Monique Lallier, Chair