Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 110
February 1997

Guild News

The Guild and Designer Bookbinders

Priscilla Spitler has written an eighteen-page account, Guild of Book Workers 1996: Vital at Ninety, the major article in Designer Bookbinders' journal The New Bookbinder, Vol. 16, 1996. Truly a tour de force! The article includes three full pages of color photographs of bindings, as well as several black & white. Priscilla covers the early history of the Guild, through the period of rapid change and expansion in the 70's and 80's, and continues with a "Tour of the U.S: the Regional Chapters", in which outstanding American binders in the various areas are discussed. In the final section, Priscilla asks several binders, (Gary Frost, Hedi Kyle, Daniel Kelm, Tim Ely, Deborah Evetts, Pamela Spitzmueller and William Minter) for their views on an American style of binding. Single copies of this issue of The New Bookbinder will shortly be available through The Bookbinder's Warehouse for $54. Membership in DB includes The New Bookbinder and the DB Newsletter, a quarterly. Yearly membership outside the U.K. is £33. For membership information, write: The Secretary, Designer Bookbinders, 6 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, England.