Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 111
April 1997

Editor's Corner

In my last communication, I said there would be an article this time on stamping presses. Well, as editors often find, the promised article did not appear. But I feel safer this time in promising that the next issue will carry the first of Nancy Leavitt's Calligraphy column. After six years of writing this column, Frances Manola is stepping back and getting on with her own binding, calligraphy and teaching. She will write an article from time to time - but, no deadlines, please! We are grateful for all the work Fran has put into her columns, and glad she will still be writing occasionally. Nancy Leavitt, calligrapher, book artist, decorated papermaker, and printer at her Tomato Press in Stillwater, Maine, will begin her regular column in the June issue. she says she has lots of ideas for articles. We look forward to reading them.

As of this issue, the Calendar will be made up by Chris McAfee, at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Items for the Calendar should be sent to him at 221 East 300 North, Springville ut 84663; h: 801 491-2084; w: 801 378-6769; fax: 801 378-6708; e-mail: