Designer Bookbinders is offering members of The Guild of Book Workers a special introductory price for their publication The New Bookbinder, volume 16, which contains Priscilla Spitler's excellent article about our Guild.
DB maintains a very high production standard - not heavily coated, quality paper with the color section printed on it, sewn in signatures. The journal is indexed, and over the years they have published articles of lasting interest and value, which makes it a valuable work of reference.
The normal price for individual subscribers is $52. They are offering it to GBW members at $42 inclusive of surface postage and packing. Members can order it by writing to: The New Bookbinder, c/o Graham Nicholson, 1 chemin du Canal, 65700 Labatut-Riviere, France. Please mention the Guild and this special offer. Payment can be made by dollar check, Visa, Mastercard or Delta credit card. Include the name and number of the card and date of expiry.
N.B. Yearly membership in Designer Bookbinders is £33 - $54.10 in April 1997- which includes The New Bookbinder for the membership year, as well as their quarterly Newsletter. Write: The Secretary, Designer Bookbinders, 6 Queen Square, London WC1n 3AR, England.)