Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 112
June 1997

Marbling News

by Iris Nevins

Not too many marbling items have been reported since the last issue. The Istanbul Marbler's Gathering will have already happened by the time this newsletter has reached you. Also, Pam Smith will have conducted her marbling workshop at the Paper & Book Intensive. I hope to report on these two events in the next issue.

Pat Baldwin, at the Waterleaf Mill & Bindery (P.O. Box 1711, Bisbee AZ 85603; wants it to be known that she is always available for individual or private marbling workshops, and will travel.

For those of you looking for marbling technical advice on the Internet: I hope no one has had e-mail bounced back. Compuserve has, without notification, changed my numbered address, 105507.3271@, to they say it should work either way, but some have said they could not get through using the numbers. But, technical help is still available.