Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 112
June 1997


Oak Knoll Fest 1997: Fourth annual Private Press Fair

Oak Knoll announces its fourth private press fair to be held on October 4 and 5, 1997 in New Castle, Delaware. The owners and printers of 21 private presses from the UK, Canada and the US will be present to show and talk about their books in person. In addition, they will feature speakers Gabriel Rummonds, whose new book, Printing on the Iron Handpress, is due out in October, and Simon Lawrence of The Fleece Press from the UK. For details, contact Esther Fan at Oak Knoll Books, 414 Delaware St., New Castle de 19720 tel: 302 328-7232, fax: 302 328-7274, e-mail: oakknoll or via the Web at

Dartmouth's Book Arts Summer Workshop

"Joseph Blumenthal & the Spiral Press" is the title of this summer's workshop August 20 - 23 at Dartmouth College Library in Hanove, nh. Joseph Blumenthal (1897-1990) founded the Spiral Press in 1926 and for 45 years it was a focus of superb design and craftsmanship that was recognized as the finest in American printing. Participants will examine examples issued from the Spiral Press and will prepare a broadside based on their study of Blumenthal and the Spiral Press design and execution. The faculty will include Roderick Stinehour, founder of The Stinehour Press; Stanley W. Brown, Curator of Rare Books at Dartmouth; Ronald Gordon, proprietor of The Oliphant Press; Jerry Kelly, The Stinehour Press; John Kristensen, proprietor of the FireXy Press; Susan C. Lee, Exhibits Designer, Dartmouth College; George Mackie, book designer for Edinburgh University Press; Wynne Patterson, book designer; and David Wolfe, printer. For details, contact: Book Arts Summer Workshop, Dartmouth College Library, 115 Baker Library, Hanover nh 03755-3525, tel: 603 646-2236, fax: 603 646-3702, e-mail:

Deadline for applications: July 14.

Limited to 20.

APHA: Northern California & Southeast Chapters

Plans are going forward for the creation of a Northern California Chapter of the American Printing History Association with a meeting in the Heller Rare Book Room of Mills College in Oakland, Calif. on May 18, with Jack W. Stauffacher, printer/scholar of The Greenwood Press, as speaker.

Officers will be elected at the annual meeting scheduled for October 12, 1997 at the San Francisco Public Library. A provisional Nominating Committee has nominated the slate: Mary Kay Duggan, President; Asa Peavey, Vice-President; Axel Borg, Treasurer; Karma Pippin, Secretary.

The inaugural meeting of the Southeast Chapter was held on November 23, 1996, in the South Carolinian Library of the University of South Carolina. The chapter will serve an area from North Carolina to Florida, westward to the Mississippi River. Frank Anderson, Librarian Emeritus of the Sandor Teszler Library, Wofford College, and one of APHA's 1974 charter members, gave a talk. Elected officers are: Barbara Brannon, President; T.H. Howard Hill, Vice-President.

More APHA News

At their Annual Meeting at the New York Public Library on January 25th, the national APHA welcomed its first West Coast chapter, the Southern California Chapter, and confirmed the newest chapter - the Southeast. On the Eastern seaboard, APHA now has five chapters, and two in California, with the recent formation of a Northern California Chapter. The 1997 Annual APHA Conference, Twentieth Century Book Design will be held at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, on October 17 - 19, 1997. HRHRC will be mounting a major exhibition on American book design in the twentieth century, curated by Richard Oram. Much of the exhibition will be drawn from the archives of Alfred Knopf and the George Macy Companies (The Limited Editions Club). A second major exhibition will also be mounted to feature the Texas collection of artists' books.

The 1997 APHA Individual Award was presented to Michael Winship; the APHA 1997 Institutional Award to the Pierpont Morgan Library.

Notice Of Competition

The organizers of the First International Exhibit of Bookbinding as Art are calling for entries. The exhibition will be held in the city of Recanati in the Marches region of Italy September 15 - 30, 1998. The competition is open to all bookbinders everywhere, professional or amateur, regardless of the binder's affiliations and/or artistic tendencies.

The set book, "L'Infinito" by Leopardi, contains selections of translations by numerous scholars from many countries and times. This limited edition will be 20cm x 30cm, prepared and printed by hand at the Scuola del libro in Urbino, on paper produced by Cartiere Milani in Fabriano.

100 bindings will be selected by an International Scientific Committee from all those that have arrived on or before April 30, 1998. The 100 bindings selected will become the property of the Province of Macerata. The participants chosen will be given:

The Scientific Committee is comprised of:

All bindings received for the exhibit by April 30, 1998 will be displayed at the Inaugural Exhibition in Recanati. At the end of the exhibition, bindings not chosen by the Committee will be returned to their respective owners by the Organizing Committee, together with a copy of the catalogue and a certificate of participation.

There will be an illustrated catalogue with, in one section, the 100 works selected, in alphabetical order using the name of the artist. The second section will contain all the other bindings in alphabetical order, using the Italian name of the country to which the artist belongs. Technical notes and curriculum vitae of the artist will accompany the presentation of each binding.

Application forms must be sent on or before April 30, 1997.

For further information and application form, Fax or write the director of the Organizing Committee:

Sir Antonio Toccaceli, via Novelli, 10, 60122 Ancona, Italy; tel & Fax: (++39)71-55174.

Application forms must be accompanied by entry fee of 150,000 Italian lire (approx. $90) to cover costs of the book, catalogue, packing and return shipping. Special travel packages will be offered to those wishing to be present at the inauguration.

Bindings must reach the postal address of the Organizing Committee by, not after, April 30, 1998, accompanied by a technical description of the work and the c.v. of the artist. Official languages accepted for correspondence are: Italian, French, English, German and Spanish. N.B. It is best to correspond by fax or mail to avoid misunderstandings.