Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 113
August 1997

Guild News

Honory Memberships

In 1991 the Executive Committee made a unanimous decision to designate as Honorary Members-for-Life longtime members of the Guild of Book Workers who have made significant contributions to the Guild of Book Workers and the Book Arts in America.. At that time the Committee designated the following members for that honor: Carolyn Horton, Laura Young, Jane Greenfield, Stella Patri, Polly Lada-Mocarski, Arno Werner, Fritz Eberhardt and Trudi Eberhardt. In 1993 Kathryn Gerlach was added to the roster and now in 1997, Frances Manola has joined the other distinguished members.

The Committee welcomes suggestions for additional members to be added. Qualifications include long term membership in the Guild of Book Workers (at least ten years) and significant contributions to the Book Arts in America (teaching/education, published works, organization, etc.) and, especially, contributions to the Guild of Book Workers (committee participation, holding office, journal/newsletter contributions). Suggestions for consideration may be given to the President, Secretary, or any officer of the Guild.

As you know, we lost three of our Honorary members in the last few years (Kathryn Gerlach, 1993; Arno Werner, 1995; Laura Young 1996), so we need to give thought to those who are making valuable contributions and should be so honored.