Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 113
August 1997

Marbling News

by Iris Nevins

Pam Smith taught a marbling workshop at PBI. The workshop ran for four six-hour days. Nine students participated. The focus was on creating marbled images, rather than solely creating bookbinding papers. The use of additives, such as olive oil, turpentine and soap were used to change the "textures" in the colors. Stencil and resist techniques were taught, as well, to create marbled "paintings". At the end of the session a humorous presentation of the work was given. Pam wrote, "The Marbling Group appeared as an orchestra. Each student selected a marbling tool from the class that they 'played' ... combs, rakes, Ball jars filled with stones, drying boards, the blender, anything that would make a sound..." Pam was billed as the "Marbling Diva" and came out wearing marbled paper horns and marbled breastplate. Seems everyone had a great time!

Pat Baldwin at the Waterleaf Mill & Bindery will be offering two-day private intensives for all level marblers. These will be private lessons, scheduled at the student's convenience, or in groups of four at a time. Also offered is a Surface Decoration Workshop covering marbling, suminagashi, paste papers, and other surface treatments. For dates and other particulars, contact Pat at: PO Box 1711, Bisbee, AZ 85603l 520 432-5924; fax: 520 432-3065; email:

The Marbler's Gathering was held in Istanbul from June 1st through June 8th. Signa Houghteling's Report on the Gathering appears elsewhere in this issue.