Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 114
October 1997


Dear Karen Crisalli,

I can't think of another organization that I would rather be an Honorary Member of, and I am, of course, pleased that the Executive Committee of the GBW has seen fit to award this honor to me. Being able to do some things to help the Guild was a pleasure that enriched my life.

Having begun my working career during the Depression, I was first a stenographer and then worked for thirteen years as secretary to Lloyd Goodrich, Director of the Whitney Museum of American Art. The circumstance which led me to begin free-lance work in calligraphy and later bookbinding, was indeed a blessing in disguise and changed my life dramatically. As you probably know, I originally joined the Guild as a calligrapher, but at the time was already interested in studying binding. The idea of teaching anything at all had never entered my mind, but one thing led to another so easily, that it made free-lancing much easier, and again,it benefited me greatly.

Again, thank you so very much,

Frances Manola
Sept. 4, 1997