Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 114
October 1997



The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild has moved from 35 McCaul Street in Toronto. Their new address: 176 John Street, Suite 309, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1FL5, Canada. Telephone number remains unchanged: 416-581-1071, fax: 905-851-6029. Their new website address:

[Web Ed. Note: This has recently been changed to Jan. 99 ECA]

Ellen McCrady Honored

Ellen McCrady, producer of the Abbey Newsletter and the Alkaline Paper Advocate and a founder of the AIC Book & Paper Specialty Group, was made AIC Honorary Member at the 25th Annual Meeting of AIC on June 13, 1997, in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the field of conservation. The calligraphed certificate of her honor was presented by Bill Minter.

Also named AIC Honorary Member at the same meeting was Nathan Stolow, a founding member of IIC-American Group.

Abbey Newsletter Correction

The July issue states: "For years, this newsletter has been giving readers the wrong addresses for Walter Henry, DistList, and CoOL. They really are: Walter Henry, Preservation Department, Stanford University Libraries, MC6004, Stanford, CA 94305-6004 (415 723-9381).

Conservation DistList: those who are not registered users should use

Conservation OnLine (CoOL):

UICB Certificate Program

The University of Iowa Center for the Book offered a new core course for their Book Studies Certificate program in the spring of 1997. The course, Art & Technologies of the Book, addresses the history and social impact of developments in the various arts & technologies of the book beginning with the invention of writing and the alphabet, through the development of paper, binding, and printing, on into the age of the computer. It will be offered every spring.

Pequeño Press Wins Award

Pequeño Press (Pat Baldwin, Waterleaf Mill & Bindery, proprietor) is pleased to announce that their limited edition, hand bound miniature book, "Queen Mab", has won one of the three 1997 Distinguished Book Awards from the Miniature Book Society. It was exhibited at the MBS Conclave in Bethlehem, Pa., August 29 through September 1 and will join the MBS Traveling Exhibition in its travels around the U.S., going to libraries and museums. This and Pequeño Press' other books can be viewed on the Internet at:

SHARP 98 Conference

The 6th Annual Conference of SHARP (the Society of the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing) will take place July 16 - 20, 1998 at Simon Fraser University's Harbour Centre in Vancouver, B.C., under the auspices of the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing. In the SHARP tradition, they will entertain proposals with no limitations on topics. Suggestions for organized sessions are welcomed. Deadline for submissions is October 31, 1997. Please see "Call for Papers" in the Calendar section of this issue for details and contacts (not included in online version).