Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 115
December 1997

Guild News

Midwest Chapter's highly successful arrangements for the 17th Annual Seminar earns it the right to relax a bit and get things back to normal in time for the Holidays. The local committee did an outstanding job and all of us who were able to attend thank them heartily. Members of the committee were: Jon Buller, Annette Christian, Ursula Freimarck, Tom Hogarth, Leyla Lau-Lamb, Len Muir, Ann Ridout and the Head, Shannon Zachary. They were assisted by many other members of the Midwest Chapter. T-shirts carrying the logo of the GBW Seminar are still available. They come in a soft green with black lettering in sizes L or XL. Black shirts with red lettering in XL only. $10 each, 3 for $25 plus $3 s&h. Available from: Shannon Zachary, Conservation & Book Repair, 837 Greene St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104.

Announcement: Volunteer Needed
The Guild Executive Committee thinks a Listing of Book Arts Videos would be helpful to our members. They are, therefore, asking for a volunteer willing to put together such a listing. As well as all the GBW videos, which are available from the Guild Library for borrowing, many other videos on bookbinding, papermaking, marbling, printing, book conservation and related subjects exist. A number of them, listed in the Canadian Bookbinders & Book Artists' Catalogue of Book Arts, are kept in their library, available for borrowing by their members. We hear of others that are not yet listed in any convenient way. We need to know what they are and where to find them. If you have an interest in helping with this project and would like to be of service to the Guild, please contact Karen Crisalli. She will get you in touch with sources of information.