Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 116
February 1998


Books In Sheets

The Enchiridion of Epictetus, A Manual For Living, published by Press Intermezzo, Austin, TX, 1997. 16 cm x 12 cm, 0.8 cm thick. Fifty-two numbered passages comprise about sixty pages, gathered into five signatures. Printed letterpress on Hahnemuhle Ingres mouldmade paper. Two-color title page. $19 in sheets + $2 s&h in North America, $5 elsewhere. Payment by check in U.S. dollars drawn on U.S. bank. Also available bound. To order, please contact: Randolph Bertin, 2612 W. 49th St., Austin, TX 78731, 512-459-9964; e-mail:

Anatomy, Poems by Alice Jones, with illustrations by Coriander Reisbord, 1997, Bullnettle Press, San Francisco. Alice Jones, formerly a physician, is a psychoanalyst and poet living in Berkeley, Ca. Her poems have appeared in numerous publications. Anatomy consists of 20 poems embellished with 8 reduction linoleum cuts representing microscopic views of the body. The edition is 100 copies, printed in Gill Sans Medium type on white Rives Lightweight paper. The book is 39 pages, approx. 4 3/4" x 10". 85 copies bound by Coriander Reisbord in red pastepaper boards with a transparent vellum spine stamped in gold; $195, 20% discount to dealers. 15 copies are offered in sheets at $150 net, or in full vellum. Custom boxes also available. Inquire for prices on full vellum and boxes. Payment in U.S. dollars only, please. Checks payable to Asa Peavy, Bullnettle Press, 1418 Rhode Island St., #5, San Francisco, CA 94107.


Flying Cloud, by Margaret Lyon & Flora E. Reynolds. Mills College Center for the Book is offering a reprint of this account of the maiden, record setting voyage around Cape Horn during the California Gold Rush, which was written in 1992. Soft cover, illus., $25 (+$2.06 CA tax) + $2.50 No. America, $3 elsewhere, p&h, payable to, and available from, the Center for the Book Mills College (F.W. Olin Library, Mills College, 5000 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, CA 94613; fax:510 430-2278).

Shaman: Anthropomorphic Figures in North American Rock Art, Fox-Moon Publications. A miniature book in limited edition. An essay on Rock Art, 15 images of rock art figures with a map of the location of each. 15 copies leather bound @ $800 ea.; 100 copies bound with a paste paper cover @ $125 ea. Suites of prints in portfolio, $100; without container, $75. Checks payable to Gabrielle Fox, Bookbinder, P.O. Box 8977, Cincinnati, OH 45208.

Robin Price, Printer & Publisher, (Starr Mill, Beverly Heights, Middletown, CT 06457; tel: 860 344-8644; fax: 0344) , announces the following two publications:

A Duet by Tommy Simpson, a lively, intimate journey in book form. Two small books, "From the Heart" and "Off the Ground", in a case made from the artist's fanciful pastepapers. The text is in verse form integrated with the artwork of printed line drawings watercolored by hand. Designed by Robin Price, with the artist, and bound by Sarah Creighton, Easthampton, Mass. Edition of 30, letterpress printed on Rosaspina cream, two books 4 H" x 6", 8 pp. ea. Case of paper over boards with hollow wells inside for the books, 8 G" x 12 H" x H" (closed). $350.

Broadside: A typographic print featuring the words of Pepe Romero. Text excerpted from The Journey of the Guitar: A Portrait of Pepe Romero, a book to be published by Robin Price in the fall 1998. Letterpress printed onto Somerset velvet black, with Bodoni type in silver and gold. Limited to 150, 13" x 18", numbered and signed by Pepe Romero and Robin Price. $50 postpaid. Checks payable to Robin Price Publisher. VISA, Mastercard & American Express accepted.


Periodicals abstracted are available for borrowing from the Guild Library.

Counter is the excellent Journal of the University of Iowa Center for the Book. Published intermittently, Editor Kathy Maggarrel, University of Iowa Center for the Book, 154 English-Philosophy Building, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242.

Morocco Bound: Journal of the Craft Bookbinders, usually contains an eclectic assortment of short articles and idiosyncratic reviews. The descriptions of techniques are for an amateur readership and are sometimes too abbreviated, or even misleading, to be instructional, but are always fun. Published quarterly, Editor John R. Newland, NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders, P.O. Box 1110, Rozelle, NSW 2039, Australia.

The Society of Bookbinders Newsletter lists regional events, book and paper courses offered around Britain. Published thrice a year, Editor F. Hippman, Windrush, Wiston, Haverfordwest, Pembs. Wales, SA62 4PS.

Printing History (Journal of the American Printing History Association) is a high quality journal written in a style accessible to non-academics. Published twice a year for members, APHA, PO Box 4922 Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163.

The Abbey Newsletter is a good information resource for current affairs in preservation, book and literature reviews, and for jobs and events in North America and beyond. Issued eight times a year, Editor Ellen McCrady, Tel: 512 929-3992, fax: 929-3995, e-mail:

Paper Conservation News has information on paper and book conservation, events, and institutional jobs in the U.K. Quarterly newsletter of the Institute of Paper Conservation, Leigh Lodge, Leigh, Worcester wr6 5lb, U.K..

The Western Association for Art Conservation Newsletter has technical notes on conservation that are so well presented as to be a lasting reference, regional news, and summaries of interesting articles from other publications. Published thrice a year. Editor Carolyn Tallent, 826 Centinela Road, Santa Monica, CA 90403, 310 453-1834.

The Ampersand is the Quarterly Journal of the Pacific Center for the Book Arts (PCBA), Editor Alastair Johnston, P.O. Box 42-4431, San Francisco CA 94142.

Binders' Guild Newsletter concentrates on hand binding for amateurs but is to cease in 1998 as the editor will retire. Published eight times a year, Editor Jim Dorsey, 9229 Dukes Lake Rd., Zebulon, NC 27597, 919 365-3800.

Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild Newsletter has short articles of interest with good photographs and clear diagrams. Published Quarterly, CBBAG, 176 John Street, Suite 309, Toronto, Ontario, m5t 1x5, Canada.

Designer Bookbinders Newsletter, Lester Capon, Creative Studies, Guildford College of Further and Higher Education, Stoke Park, Guildford, Surrey, gu1 1ez, U.K.

Biblio is a Magazine for Book Collectors, Booksellers, with occasional articles of interest to Bookbinders. Editor Colleen Sell, Published Monthly, 845 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR 97401.