Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 117
April 1998

Guild News

Library - Catalogue On The Web

Pam Spitzmueller, Guild Librarian, reports that the Guild Library Catalogue has been posted on the Internet. To access the catalogue: The catalogue is alphabetical by main entry and there is a short introductory paragraph with information about borrowing and use. Hard copy is not available at this time, but is in production.


A reminder that the application forms for this year's Standards Seminar in Greensboro, N.C. on October 23-24 will go out with the June issue of this Newsletter.

Presenters: Carol Barton, Pop-Up Books; Anthony Cains, Alum-tawed Bindings; Linda Honeke, Decorated Papers; Linda Blazer & Frank Mowery, Paring Leather - English & German Style.


Effective March 29, 1998 The Bookbinder's Warehouse has merged with BookMakers International; now Karen Crisalli and Cindy Mowery can bring you their combined experience of two decades. We hope you will find this the perfect union of two companies so well-known in the bookbinding and conservation communities. For the next few months, continue to order in the same way you always have from BBW 's catalogue; please use BookMakers phone, fax and mailing address for items from the BookMakers catalogue. A joint catalogue is promised.

All of the Bookbinder's Warehouse inventory has been transferred to the Riverdale Maryland location, and ALL of BOTH companies' products will be available with BOTH catalogues remaining in effect until a new joint catalogue can be prepared.

In addition, Karen will remain president of the Guild of Book Workers, while continuing to work with all of her clients as before.

There may be a few hiccups along the way, as they fine-tune their transition from two locales to one, so please bear with them if you get caught in one of the 'hics;' there will be far more 'ups' than 'hics,' they assure us!