Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 96
October 1994

Editor's Corner


AARGH!! Member Patty Harrington is looking for help in locating "used brass rolls in good condition." In the last issue of the Newsletter, we mistakenly said she had some to sell. If you have brass rolls or information for her, please write to Patty Enterprises, PO Box 1817, Granbury, TX 76048.

AND, the fact that the page numbers in the Table of Contents in the last issue bore NO RESEMBLANCE to the actual page numbers on which each section appeared, was another stupendous mistake! Well, no, not really, it was a TEST. Yeah, that's it--a test. The Chapter with the most members who noticed the mistakes won an all-expense paid trip to Venus. Well, no, actually, what really happened was that there were printer gremlins who came in at midnight and switched all the numbers around. Well...