Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 97
December 1994


There are a number of changes at this time in the list of Executive Committee Members for 1994-1995. Please be sure to change your records accordingly. Besides the most important change in the office of President, please note the lesser change of a fax number for the Newsletter Executive Editor Margaret H. Johnson: (415) 752-8041. I no longer have to walk a mile across the Park to receive faxes, so they are welcome. Peter Verheyen, Louise Kuflik, Joe Newman, Priscilla Spitler, and Bernadette Callery have all had changes made, too.

Another very important note: after seven years of cheerfully compiling the "Calendar" section of this Newsletter, Barbara Kretzmann, Binder-in-Residence at Wells College, is taking time off to concentrate on other duties, one of which (the planning and preparation of Wells College's symposium next spring on "Bookbinding and Book Arts") is a time-consuming effort at the moment. We will miss her thoroughness, accuracy, and reliability.

One of Wells College's alums, Stacey Garretson, has offered to continue the "Calendar" compilation in Barbara's place. Please be sure to send notices for future "Calendar" events to Stacey at BookMakers (see the box on page 3 for appropriate address information).