Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 98
February 1995

Library Wish List

Pamela Spitzmueller, Guild Librarian, says that if anyone has an extra copy, or is clearing out their library, and can donate one or more of the following books, or can make other donations, the Library would appreciate it greatly: Paul Needham's "Twelve Centuries of Bookbinding" Marianne Tidcombe's "The Doves Bindery" Petersen's "Bucheinbaende"

Since we do not regularly purchase books, we rely mainly on donations. Many imes reviewers do give review copies to the Library, but the collection is richer in older books, many probably hard to find these days.

The Newsletter will mention in coming issues some of the books you may wish to know more about. For example:

Wood-Block Printing, by F. Morley Fletcher, London. One in the artistic craft series of Technical Handbooks put out by Pitman--very thorough. Douglas Cockerell's "Bookbinding & the Care of Books" is from the same series. "The Aztec and Maya Paper Makers," by Victor Wolfgang Von Hagen, New York, 1944.

Fine and Historic Bookbindings from the Folger Shakespeare Library, by Bearman, Krivatsy, Mowery, Washington, DC, 1992.

Library Disaster Handbook: Planning, Resources, Recovery, by Nelly Balloffet, Highland, NY, 1992.

These books, and more, are available by mail from the Guild Library. Contact Pamela Spitzmueller, Guild of Book Workers Library, The University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242.