Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 98
February 1995


Are you a Government-Qualified Conservator? Feb. 15th Deadline!

Congress amended the National Historic Preservation Act in 1992. The amendment requires the Secretary of the Interior to revise existing professional qualification standards for disciplines including conservation, not only of architectural elements, but also of books and paper. Under the Secretary's proposal, a conservator would have to have A MINIMUM OF A GRADUATE DEGREE IN CONSERVATION PLUS ONE YEAR OF DEMONSTRABLE EXPERIENCE to be considered qualified in historic preservation. A draft of the proposed standard is available and open for comment until FEBRUARY 15th. Copies are available from:

Preservation Planning Branch
Attn: Susan Henry
National Park Service
PO Box 37127
Washington, DC 20013-7127
tel: (202) 343-1836
fax: (202) 343-9514

The standards are also available on the conservation DistList on Internet. Please send a copy of your written comments to AIC at:

Attn: Jerry Podany
1717 K Street, NW, Suite 301
Washington, DC 20006
tel: (202) 452-9545
fax: (202) 452-9328