Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 98
February 1995

Editor's Corner

Executive Committee Address Updates

Publicity: HOWARD STEIN is now at 184 Terrace Place, Brooklyn, NY 11218; (718) 832-6822.

Potomac Chapter: MARTA-LUCIA SIERRA is now at 6624 Boulevard View, Apt. B-2, Alexandria, VA 22307

Newsletter: MARGARET JOHNSON's fax # was incorrectly listed in the last Newsletter. It is (415) 752- 8041. BERNADETTE CALLERY has moved to Pittsburgh to go back to school. She remains GBW Vice- President/Membership Chairman (thank goodness!). Her new address is 610 Kirtland Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15208; and her phone is (412) 243-8492.

The full Executive Committee listing appears in the Newsletter from time to time, as space permits, for your convenience in locating these nomads.!