Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 98
February 1995


Call for Entries

"Boxed In: Book boxes and box objects by members of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild." The exhibition Uncommon Objects, Harbourfront, Toronto will be held in October. Entries due May 1st. Contact: Susan Corrigan, CBBAG, 35 McCaul St, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1V7. (416) 920-9412.

Traveling Exhibitions

The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild's traveling exhibition "Two Centuries of Bookbinding: Materials and Techniques, 1700-1900," explains materials, processes, and structures used in inexpensive and fine binding, in the context of the book trade as a whole. Cat. US $7, plus $5 p&h. Contact: Exhibition Committee, Suite 220, 35 McCaul St, Toronto, Ontario M5T 1V7.
Jan 1 - Feb 28: Hamilton, Ont: McMaster University, Mills Library
Apr 1 - Jun 30: Waterloo, Ont: University of Waterloo, The Library
The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artist Guild's major exhibition "The Art of the Book '93," celebrating the Guild's 10th anniversary continues:
Jan 21 - Feb 26: Pointe-Claire, Que: Stewart hall Art Gallery, 176 Bord du lac
The Virginia Center for the Craft Arts HandWorkshop's exhibition, "Milliseconds to Millennia: The Art of Time," includes artists' books and related sculptural objects which deal with the theme of time--calendars, diaries, journals, histories, datebooks, timelines and clocks. Contact: (804) 353-0094.
Jan - Feb: Arlington, VA: Ellipse Art Center
Mar - Apr: Boston, MA: Monserrat College of Art
Summer 1995: Winston-Salem, NC: Sawtooth Center for the Arts
Tregaskis Centenary Exhibition in Enland:
Feb 18 - Mar 18: Ruskin Gallery, 101 Norfolk St, Sheffield
Apr 1 - 29: Bayntuns, Manvers St, Bath

Other Exhibitions

Jan 13 - Mar 25: New York, NY: "Latin American Book Arts," an exhibition of contemporary works by book artists from Latin America and Latin American artists residing in the US. Opening reception: Jan 13 from 6-8 p.m. Center for Book Arts, 626 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. (212) 460-9768.

Until Mar 3: Montreal, Que: Louise Genest's "Reliures d'art et miniatures" (Fine Bindings and Miniatures). Reception Feb 18 5-7 pm. The Galerie des M!tiers d'Art, 384, rue St Paul Ouest, Montreal H2Y 2A6 (Square Victoria). (514) 287-7555.

Feb 10 - Mar 19: Oakland, CA: "Dobbin Books: The First Three Years," a collaboration of artist's bookworks. Mills College, Prieto Gallery. Contact: Robbin Ami Silverberg at (718) 388-9631.

Feb 23 - Mar 17: Philadelphia, PA: "Sas Colby: Twenty Years of Book Thinking." Over 50 art works including one-of-a-kind books, related paintings and prints, proposals for printed books, and books for the wall. University of the Arts, Laurie Wagman Hall. Contact: Sas Colby (505) 751- 3667 or Mary Phelan, Univ of the Arts (215) 875-1119.

Until Mar 24: Philadelphia, PA: "William Mackenzie: America's First Rare Book Collector." The Library Company of Phila, 1314 Locust St, Philadelphia, PA (215) 546-3181.

Feb 23 - Apr 30: Palo Alto, CA: "Windows to the Mind: Selected Books from Stanford Special Collections," and exhibition of an extraordinary collection in the book arts. Palo Alto Cultural Center, 1313 Newell Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303. (415) 329-2366.

Apr - May: Tokyo, Japan: Comtemporary Canadian Bookworks will be shown at the Canadian Embassy. The Show has been organized by the CBBAG.

Apr 3 - 23: Oakland, CA: "Sas Colby: Twenty Years of Book Thinking." See Feb. 23 description above. Mills College, Antonio Prieto Gallery. Contact: Sas Colby (505) 751-3667 or Kathy Walkup, Mills College (510) 430-2001.

Apr 15 - May 28: Santa Cruz, CA: "Dressing the Text: The Fine Press Artists' Book," a national, juried competition and exhibition sponsored by the Printers' Chapel of Santa Cruz and The Art Museum of Santa Cruz County. Exhibition may travel. Art Museum, 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. (408) 429-1964.

Apr 15 - Jun 15: Toronto, Ont: "Fine Printing: The Private Press in Canada," a CBBAG exhibition opening at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto. Contact: CBBAG at (416) 581-1071.

May 2 - 30: Cambridge, MA: "Peter Koch, Printer: Recent Work 1989- 1994", at the Widener Library, Harvard Univesity.

May 4 - 28: Paris: Exhibition of S!n Evrard's bindings at the Biblioth!que Historique de la Ville de Paris, 22 rue Mahler, 75004 Paris.

May 18 - Jul 1: Allentown, PA: "Outside In: A Collection of Nature Images," a contemporary crafts exhibition, at the Open Space Gallery. Opening reception on May 20th from 2-4pm. Open Space Gallery, 913 Hamilton Mall, Allentown, PA 18101. (610) 432-3091.

Workshops, Lectures and Other Events

Continuing: Baltimore, MD: A series of ongoing (until February 1996) conservation workshops presented by Johns Hopkins Library, and funded by NEH: Basic Workshop, Advanced Enclosures, Advanced Book Repair, Treatment of Older Collections, Disaster Recovery, Exhibits Preparation. Fee: $100-200. Contact: Stuart Ittner (410) 516-8326.

Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild offers many winter/spring workshops in bookbinding, paper decorating, boxmaking, tunnel & carousel books, etc. Contact: CBBAG, 35 McCaul St, Ste 220, Toronto, Ont. M5T 1V7.

Garage Annex School winter classes: Easthampton, MA: taught by Daniel E. Kelm, Garage Annex School, PO Box 449, Easthampton, MA 01027. (413) 527-8044.
Mar 4: "Stick It! Adhesives"
Mar 18: "Gilding"

Feb - Apr: San Francisco, CA: "Book Structures," a 6-part study group series led by Dominic Riley, with participants putting together one of the sessions. A keepsake pamphlet will be produced from each meeting, available for a small fee. Meetings held in the S.F. Public Library. Contact: (510) 525-5614.

Feb 25 - 26: Claremont, CA: Paula Gourley will give the Frederic W. Goudy Lecture, Feb 25 and Workshop, Feb 25-26, on "German Shaped-Spine Case Binding." Scripps College, Claremont, CA. Contact: Kitty Maryatt (909) 621-8555, x3866.

Feb 26 - 28, 1995: Boston, MA: "Restoration '95," exhibition and conference. Theme: "Affordable Preservation: Practical Strategies for the 90's." Emphasis is on architectural preservation, books and paper is one of 53 topics covered. Contact: Andrew Burrell (617) 933-9699 for exhibition, or (617) 933-9055 for all other info; fax: 933-8744.

Mar 7: London: Designer Bookbinders Tuesday Lectures Series presents Elizabeth Greenhill, with Marianne Tidcombe, a slide show and talk about her bindings. The Art Workers Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1, 7 pm. Contact: Nesta Davies (081) 365-1274.

PCBA presents "Book Art Evenings & Weekends," informal, salon-like gatherings to share work and meet other members. Contact: Alisa Golden (510) 524-5947.
Mar 7: San Francisco, CA: Chuck Hobson, 3015 Pacific, San Francisco, CA. (415) 929-0435.
May 7: Oakland, CA: Marylee Bytheriver, 7925 Winthrope St, Oakland (510) 569-7999.

Mar 16: Philadelphia, PA: Library Company of Philadelphia lecture program presents Lillian Armstrong, Art History Dept Chair, Wellesley College, on "The Hand-Illuminated Printed Book in Renaissance Venice." Library Co of Phila, 1314 Locust St, Philadelphia, PA. (215) 546-3181.

Mar 18: Santa Barbara, CA: "Miniature Books," workshop by Dick Pio. Contact: Jean Marie Seaton (805) 967-6609.

American Printing History Assoc. (APHA), New York, NY: NY chapter hosts free lectures at The Grolier Club, 47 East 60th St, NY 10276. Lectures at 6pm. For further information contact: Lowell Bodger (212) 777- 0841.

Mar 27: William Stoneman, Scheide Librarian, Princeton University, lectures on proton milliprobe examination to determine the chemical composition of ink, paper and parchment used in the 36-line Bible printed in Bamberg in 1460.

May 31: David Pankow, Curator of the Cary Graphic Arts Collection at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and editor of the APHA journal Printing History, lectures on the formation, 100- year life, and demise of America's largest typefounding conglomerate.

Apr 1: Los Angeles, CA: "Bookmaking" workshop by Dick Pio. Contact: Linda Anderson (310) 322- 8832 or Lillian Dabney 820-6772.

Apr 4 - 7: Sheffield, England: Society of Archivists Chemistry Course for Paper Conservators. Contact: Helen Miller, Sheffield Libraries Conservation Unit, Libraries Arts & Museum Bldg, Ellin St, Sheffield S1 4Pl. (0742) 73 42 36.

Apr 7: Columbus, OH: "Creepies, Crawlies and Bloomers: Environmental Management for Libraries, Archives and Historical Societies" at the Ohio Historical Society. A day-long program organized by the Ohio Preservation Council and Society of Ohio Archivists. Contact: Clara Ireland, State Lib of Ohio, (614) 644- 1972; fax: 466-3584.

Apr - May: Santa Cruz, CA: A series of lectures, workshops, & tours, held in conjuction with the exhibition (see Exhibitions above). A two-day book structures workshop with Claire Van Vliet will also be offered through UC Extension. Contact: Linda Maxwell, Art & Humanities Dept, UC Ext'n, 740 Front St, Ste 155, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. (480) 427-6620.

Apr 7 - Jun 17: New York, NY: "The International Library," an ongoing book project by German artist Helmut Lohr, in which a network of artists communicate through the exchange of book objects. Each artist receives two altered books from Mr. Lohr which the participant then further alters to express his or her individual aesthetic response. Opening reception: Apr 7, 6-8 pm Center for Book Arts, 626 Broadway, NY, NY 10012. (212) 460-9768.

Apr 10 - 14: Iowa City, IA: Mellon Advanced Conservation Workshops at the University of Iowa Libraries. Theme is "Lessons and Techniques from the History of Conservation." Workshops are one week in length, and lead by Tom Conroy. Contact: Pam Spitzmueller, University of Iowa Libraries, Conservation Dept, Iowa City, IA 52242.

Apr 19: New York, NY: "The Collector & Bookseller: Fellowship of the Book," a one day conference sponsored by the Mid Atlantic Chapter of Antiquarian Booksellers' Assoc. of America. Will be held at The Grolier Club, fee $325. Includes sessions on Music, Prints, Fine Printing, Maps, Binding, Photography. Contact: ABAA, 50 Rockefeller Plz, NY 10020. (212) 757-9395; fax: 459-0307.

May 11 - 13, 1995: Aurora, NY: "Bookbinding and Book Arts," a symposium at Wells College. Contrary to information in the last Calendar, registration forms and detailed information will be mailed to all GBW and CBBAG members around the end of Jan. Speakers include Terry Belanger, Sidney Berger, Michele Cloonan, Betsy Palmer Eldridge, Don Etherington, Deborah Evetts, Monique Lallier, Joseph Newman, and W. Thomas Taylor. An exhibition of designer bindings and artist's books from Jane Pearce's collection will be featured; also bookbindings suppliers/book dealers, and optional tours to Cornell University's Rare Book Library or Bixler's Press. Contact: Barbara E. Kretzmann, Binder-in- Residence, Wells College Book Arts Center, Wells College, Aurora, NY 13026. (315) 364-3420.

May 17 - 27: Penland, NC: "Paper and Book Intensive" to be held this year at Penland School of Crafts. Instructors include: T. Barrett, J. Croft, R. Espinosa, M. Esser, R. Flavin, R. Hungerford, S. King, N. Meldahl, S. Miller, D. Smith, C. Van Vliet, M. Van Stone, S. Van Keuren. Contact: Pam Spitzmueller, UI Center for the Book, Main Library, U of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242.

Jun - Aug: Portland, OR: Oregon School of Arts & Crafts announces summer classes in the Book Arts. Contact: OSAC, 8245 SW Barnes Rd, Portland OR 97225. (503) 297-5544; fax: 297-9651.

Jun 5 - Jul 14: Telluride, CO: Summer classes at The American Academy of Bookbinding on leather and vellum binding, edge and paper decoration, gilding and onlay, taught by Tini and Einen Miura and Hans Peter Frolich. M-F, 9-5. Fee: $525 per week. Contact: AAB, Box 1590, Telluride, CO 81435. (303) 728-3886.

Jun 6 - 10: St Paul, MN: AIC 23rd annual meeting. The topic will be: "Ethics in Conservation." Contact: AIC, 1717 K St, NW, Ste 301, Washington, DC 20006. (202) 452- 9545; Fax: 452-9545.

Jun 16 - 18: Manchester, England: Society of Bookbinders 1995 Conference. Speakers/demonstrators include: Bernard Middleton, S!n Evrard, Faith Shannon, Jeff Clements, Angela James, David Esslemont, Paul Johnson, Paul Delrue. Also, there will be trips to area libraries and a trade fair. All delegates to the conference will be sent the unbound sheets of an anthology of bookbinding, which is being printed in a special limited edition by the Incline Press. All are invited to bind this before coming to Manchester. Bindings will be displayed, and prizes may be given. Contact: John Walters, 4 Granby House, Granby Row, Manchester M1 7AR.

Jun 22 - 25: Portland, OR: "Focus on Structure Conference", 2nd biennial hosted by the Oregon Book Arts Guild. Workshops, lectures, trade show. Wide scope: accordion fold books, watercolor marbling, gestural handwriting, wax tablets, etc. Contact: Debra Glanz, 2607 SW Custer, Portland, OR 97219. (503) 244-0726.

Jun 24 - 29: Chicago, IL: ALA annual conference.

Jul 22 - 29: Washington, DC: "Letter Forum," the 15th annual int'l conference of lettering artists. $100 deposit may be sent now. Contact: Judy Hoyle, Dir, 15212 Redgate Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20905.

Aug 13 - 20: Bruges, Belgium: "Retreat to Bruges," a week of calligraphy in the heart of medieval Bruges. Contact: Marcia Friedman, 1126 Fourth St, Studio Six, Novato, CA 94945. ph/fax: (415) 892-1273.

Sep 19 - 23: Tubingen, Germany: IADA Congress. Theme: "Preservation - Passive Conservation: Books, Records, Art on Paper and Other Information Supports." Papers are invited. Contact: Mogens Koch, Conservatorskolen, Esplanaden 34, DK-1263 Kopenhagen, Denmark. Previously published papers not accepted.

Sep 22 - 23: Austin, TX: APHA 1995 Lieberman lecture by Claire Badaracco on "The Memorable Text: The Printed Good in Library Design 1920 - 1940". At the University of Texas at Austin.

Oct 13 - 15: Charlottesville, VA: APHA 1995 conference at the University of Virginia. Program chairs are Terry Belanger and Evan Moore.