Guild of Book Workers Newsletter
Number 99
April 1995


Ballots for the 1995-1996 Guild elections will be mailed out sometime in the spring or early summer. Elections are scheduled to coincide with the Standards Seminar and Annual Meeting, which are in September this year (earlier than usual due to the Tuscaloosa football schedule).

Officers to be elected this year, and the present officeholders are as follows:

If you wish to nominate a candidate for any position, please send to the Secretary or the President the name of your choice, accompanied by: 1) a biographical sketch of your nominee; 2) a statement of willingness to serve if elected; and 3) the signature endorsements of five other members in good standing who support your recommendation.

Louise Kuflik, GBW Secretary, 180 West End Ave., New York, NY10023 Karen Crisalli, President, The Bookbinder's Warehouse, 31 Division St., Keyport, NJ 07735.

Standards Seminar

Plans for the Standards Seminar at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, from September 28th to 30th, 1995 are proceeding well. The presenters will be:

Paula Marie Gourley is the coordinator. Announcements and application forms will be sent out with the June issue of the Newsletter. There will be a Poster Session at the Seminar. If you have information you would like to show through photographs and informational material (new techniques and ideas, materials, etc.), contact Monique Lallier. See address changes below.

Important Address Changes

Monique Lallier, Standards chairman, and her husband, Don Etherington, have moved into their new home. For all questions about the Standards Seminar, you may reach Monique at 7409 Somersby Drive, Summerfield, NC 27358; (910) 643-0934. Do not use the P.O. Box address or the telephone number that were listed in the last Newsletter. Margaret H. Johnson, Newsletter Editor, moved on March 15th to 2372 Pine Street, San Francisco, CA 94115; (415) 673-7130; fax: (415) 673-9002. Do not use the address, phone number or fax number listed in the last Newsletter or in the 1994 Membership Directory. (especially the FAX number!).

Membership Grows

Bernadette Callery, Membership Chairman, reports the latest tally of paying members at 794, a new high. This does not include Complimentary and Exchange or Honorary Members. The New York Chapter has 113 members; New England, 129; Midwest, 81; Lone Star, 50; Delaware Valley, 48; Potomac, 29. The now-forming Rocky Mountain Chapter has 9 members to date. And as we go to press, members in the Southern California area are in the process of forming a chapter (and their first major project will be planning the 1996 annual Standards Seminar to be held in Pasadena on October 17th to 19th -- we'll keep you posted).


Karen Crisalli says enough people have expressed interest in group insurance, especially health insurance, to start her on the quest for information. More on this anon.