Horizon: A Guild of Book Workers Exhibition

This exhibition would not have been possible without the generous support of the following donors:

Cathy Adelman
Catherine Burkhard
Book Arts Program at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Mary Scholosser
The Southeast Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers
Joseph G. Sitter

Anonymous Donor
Randy Arnold
Sherry Barber
McKey Berkman
Susan Bonthron
Rosemarie Chiarlone
Susan Collard
Paula Curran
Beth Curren
Colleen Curry
Cathy DeForest
Elsi Vassdal Ellis
Sarah Elson
Carol Erickson
Mark Esser
Peter Foster

Madelyn Garrett
Ken Gilbert
M. Sue Gilly
Jane Griffith
Karen and Robert Hanmer
Paula Jull
Monique Lallier
Amy LeePard
Susan Leopard
Nancy Lev-Alexander
Judy Lynn
Emily Martin
Pamela Moore
Suzanne Moore
Hanne Niederhausen
Elaine Nishizu

Nancy Nitzberg
John Nove
Jan Owen
Jana Pullman
Judith Sgantas
Susan Share
Stanley Sherman
Jana Sim
Jan and Jarmila Sobota
Priscilla Spitler
Julia Stackpole
Claire Van Vliet
Robert Walp
Ellen Wiener
Charles Wisseman
Rutherford Witthus