Nancy Leavitt

Stillwater, Maine

First Flight

Calligraphic Manuscript

The true story of how insects have been flying for 250 million years. Hand lettered by the author/artist, once a budding entomologist, in gouache on handmade papers, including over 25 painted illustrations. Sewn on a concertina and bound in a calfskin, limp vellum binding with linen ties.
6-1/8 x 3-1/4 x 1"


NANCY LEAVITT is a lettering artist specializing in one-of-a-kind manuscript books. She is a recipient of the 2002 Stephen Harvard Award, and Calligraphy Correspondent for the Guild of Book Workers' newsletter. Her work is well represented in public and private collections.

Copyright © 2003 the Guild of Book Workers Inc.,
a not-for-profit corporation

521 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10175-0038


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