
Cathy Adelman - A Million Miles on United: She Who Flies the Most Gets the Best Seat
Jody Alexander - The Flight of Mrs. Viola D. Pigeon
Eric Alstrom - Three Flights
Kristin Alana Baum - The Book of Millie-Ba
Mindy Belloff - W2LZX
Jilll K. Berry - At the Playground
Patty Bruce - Flight: The Continuous Puzzle of Man
Catherine Burkhard - First Controlled Powered Airplane Flight
Carolee Campbell - Flying the Body
Carolee Campbell - Just Now
Melissa Jay Craig - Night Flight (to Bright Lights)
Lillian Dabney - Bessie Coleman/Dared to Dream
Elsi Vassdal Ellis ­ Icarus
Elsi Vassdal Ellis - Questions for a Terrorist
Timothy C. Ely - Sketches from the Aftermath
Rose Folsom - The Acrobat
Madelyn Garrett - Amon-Ra and His Children
Donald Glaister - Amelia, Reflections from the Sky
Karen Hanmer - Destination Moon
Karen Hanmer - They All Laughed
Gloria Helfgott - Ariel's Song
Beverly Hettig - Soaring Legality
Mary Howe - ABZ Bees
Mary Howe - From Uncle Will
Craig Jensen - BookLab II Portfolio
Liz Johnson - Sea Gull Song
Peggy Johnston - The Caged Bird's Fling
Paula Jull - Hover
Scott Kellar - Escape Velocity
Meg Kennedy - Wings: Three Books
Barbara Korbel - West with the Night
Andrea Krupp - High-Flying Daredevil & Straightenup and Flyright
Monique Lallier - The Phoenix
Elaine Langerman - "A", an Alice Book
Nancy Leavitt - First Flight
Emily Martin - Fly Away
Barbara Lazarus Metz - To Fly
Kitty Maryatt - Flight Patterns
Keith Montague - Servant of Nemesis, Or Just Another Guy in The Brawl
Beej Nierengarten-Smith - The Conquest of the Air
Lisa Olson - She Looks Upon the Part of Her that Left
Nancy Pallathena - Flight Anxiety
Polly Phillips - Up, Up and Away
Michele Heather Pollock - Flights of Fancy, Dreams of Love
Sol Rebora - El Avion de la Bella Durmiente (Sleeping Beauty's Plane)
Mimi Shapiro - The Poet's Dream
Patricia M. Smith - Hours
Sarah M. Smith - Awful Disclosures
Priscilla A. Spitler - By Air
Jean Stephenson - In Flight, or I Can Do This and You Can't!
Peter & Donna Thomas - The History and Dangers of Flight
Daniel Tucker - The House of Music
Stephanie Wolff - Take Me with You
Stephanie Wolff - Things that Fly in the Sky Above My House

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a not-for-profit corporation

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