The GBW 2003-2005 In Flight Exhibition catalog was designed by Nancy McMillen, of Austin, Texas, with text written and compiled by Priscilla
Digital photography by Alicia McKim, Denver, Colorado, assisted by
Laura Wait and Priscilla Spitler.
The Whitley Company, Austin, Texas, printed 600 copies on PhoeniXmotion Xantur, 93# text paper and 90# cover, of which 50 were unbound and made available in sheets. 550 copies were smythe sewn and bound in a soft cover by Custom Bookbinders, Austin, Texas.
In the original catalog, the body text font is Bembo and the primary display font is Futura Condensed.
The original In Flight hand lettering/logo, and pre exhibition designs were created by Cindy Haller, Letter Graphics, of Albuquerque, New Mexico.