Karen Hanmer

Glenview, Illinois

They All Laughed

Artist Book

Accordion flag book with archival inkjet prints of a Wright glider biplane over the waves at Kitty Hawk, NC. Folding flag pages contain text from a letter written by Wilbur Wright outlining his plans for a motorized flying machine, contrasted by the Gershwin song, They All Laughed.
5 x 7 x 26" (completely open)

KAREN HANMER is a book and installation artist, and a freelance photo researcher with a degree in economics from Northwestern University. Since 2000, she has had seven solo exhibitions and has been included in group shows at venues including The Center for Book Arts, The Society for Contemporary Photography, the Newberry Library, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and Pyramid Atlantic, among others.

Copyright © 2003 the Guild of Book Workers Inc.,
a not-for-profit corporation

521 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10175-0038


In Flight has had     vistors since February 18, 2004.

Last updated on by Eric Alstrom.