Kitty Maryatt

Woodland Hills, California

Flight Patterns
(2003 edition of 80)

Artist Book

Collaborative book, letterpress printed on multi-colored papers by professor Kitty Maryatt and students at Scripps College Press, Claremont, CA. Ten stories designed to literally lift off the page. Bound in a paper case of Japanese mingei paper, folded like wings. Printed case with ribbon ties.
6-3/4 x 10-3/4 x 3/4"


KITTY MARYATT is Assistant Professor of Art at Scripps College in Claremont CA, and Director of the Scripps College Press. For the last 17 years, she has produced 34 collaborative limited edition, letterpress books with her students.

Copyright © 2003 the Guild of Book Workers Inc.,
a not-for-profit corporation

521 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10175-0038


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