Jean Stephenson

Bronxville, New York

In Flight, or I Can Do This and You Can't!

Letterpress Broadside

Letterpress printed in Stradivarius type on Somerset, mouldmade 100% cotton paper. Bird art carved from linoleum blocks. Printed on a Vandercook SP20 proof press. The penguins' predicament, an incapacity for lift-off, humorously mocked by a bird in flight.
20 x 24"

JEAN STEPHENSON discovered her love for letterpress printing on a Vandercook SP20, the proof-press of her dreams, after working 40 years as a professional illustrator, and a few more in pursuit of hand bookbinding. She is past Editor of the GBW Journal.

Copyright © 2003 the Guild of Book Workers Inc.,
a not-for-profit corporation

521 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10175-0038


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