Peter & Donna Thomas

Santa Cruz, California

The History and Dangers of Flight

Artist Book

Altered 1960's gas powered, U-Control model airplane containing two hand lettered and illustrated scrolls outlining the history and dangers of flight. Scrolls resemble sky-borne advertisement banners when pulled from the airplane tail and the propeller. Colophon hidden in the spark plug compartment. Wings recovered in handmade paper.
20 x 20 x 5"

PETER & DONNA THOMAS are book artists, active in leadership of the Miniature Book Society. Their miniature books, fine press books and the use of alternative structures in the artist book are internationally recognized. They have been self-employed in the book arts since 1977, making books, teaching workshops and giving lectures.

Copyright © 2003 the Guild of Book Workers Inc.,
a not-for-profit corporation

521 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10175-0038


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